Chapter 1: Mystery of the Legible

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The Emerald Forest a dense forest filled with dangers at every turn. That is what someone who merely looks at it may see, but if you look more closely. You'll see ruins of a bygone age sprawled all across the terrain. If you were an archeologist or perhaps someone with a bit more knowledge of history, you would probably go insane thinking of the historical possibilities the forest may hide within. But to huntress or, more accurately, huntress-in-training, Pyrrha Nikos, she only saw the forest as a test, and she had to pass.

Pyrrha Nikos is a name that MANY people on Remnant know. "The Invincible Girl" "The Champion of Mistral" were all titles she had received due to her previous life as a famous tournament fighter. Most people rarely ever saw past her titles to see that she was only human. But in a world full of terror and death, sometimes people need someone to believe in who's more than human.

But the young girl didn't want to focus on the life she left behind and instead kept herself focused on the task in front of her. Using the scope on her transformed weapon, Miló, she watches as a fellow initiate who was a bit less prepared for the metal pads their headmaster launched them off falls towards the forest. Thinking fast, she transforms her weapon to its spear form, aiming and hurling the spear through the air. After several seconds, there was a response of thanks. Sighing in relief, she begins to make her way down from the vantage point she had in her tree.  Seeing that the area around her was Grimm-free, she jumped off, preparing for the landing. But what occurs next she hadn't prepared for.

As she quickly descends to the ground, she immediately stops midair. Now, this wasn't like landing, as she didn't feel anything beneath her except the emptiness of the air. This also wasn't like being caught because she didn't feel any strong force interact with her. It was as though she had just...stopped.

???: "I gotcha, don't worry." She heard a young male say. She then began to be lowered to the ground. The voice then said something she couldn't understand, and she found that gravity once again took hold of her as she was now on solid ground.

???: "Sorry if I freaked you out. Most people get a bit jumpy when gravity suddenly stops working for them. Heh, granted, they get pretty jumpy whenever I do what I do."

Pyrrha watches as her "savior" comes walking forward from a good 10 feet away. He seems to wear very loose clothing, which surprised her, with little to no armor at all. He had short brown hair, and despite looking only around a year older than her, he had a small amount of facial hair. In his left hand was a very thick book which seemed to be covered in weird symbols, and he had another on his belt, as well as some strange elixirs of sorts. All in all, he felt almost out of place amongst the huntsman academy.

 All in all, he felt almost out of place amongst the huntsman academy

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???: "Are you alright? Oh, please let's this not be like last time. The last mute I met tried to rob me, which wasn't a fun time, believe me."

Pyrrha: "Oh! I'm sorry. Thank you for the assistance, but I had it under control. Are you lost or something?"

???: "Um..nope. If I'm not mistaken, this is Beacon Academy, and this is the initiation for huntsmen and huntresses. If you need more proof, I kind of threw up after the launch off those ridiculous pads. I mean, who designs them to be like that?!" The young champion couldn't help but chuckle at his remark.

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