Chapter 10: Stranger I Remain

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The class would arrive back from their field trip to the Forever Falls late afternoon. Unfortunately, some weather complications extended their return. This meant Pyrrha was slightly late for her training with Emrys. But she was sure he would understand. Pyrrha found that compared with all her friends and teammates, she could really trust Emrys. She did trust her other friends, but when it came to Emrys, it was different. She could trust him with secrets she never revealed to anyone else, she told him everything, and he always listened and provided wisdom whenever she needed him to. To her, she could confide in him. She often thought that maybe she could take their friendship "further," but she would always shoot down that idea. Emrys didn't seem like the kind of person who would want a relationship with her.

Making her way to the training arena, she finds that Emrys wasn't there. Confused, she decided to head to his room; maybe he was there, his private sanctum seemed like somewhere he'd be in a great deal. Perhaps he had some knowledge in there about what she saw on her way back from the Forever Falls. Arriving at the door to his room, she stops as she hears him speaking with someone. The other person didn't sound familiar to her, but they seemed to be close friends.

???: "Are you sure this artifact will work, Emrys?"

Emrys: "Are you certain the information that you collected for me is genuine?"

???: "Guess that's up to you to find out."

Emrys: "Then try it on. If I enchanted it correctly, it should hide or at least disguise that appendage of yours." She heard a slight pause. She could only guess the other person was using the artifact. "Looks like it works. Suppose you'll be leaving now?"

???: "Can't thank you enough."

Emrys: "Just remember those favors you owe me; you owe me three last I checked. Farewell, friend."

Pyrrha, slightly startled, tries to hide as she knows the only way out of the room is the door she is currently behind. Hurrying around the corner, she waited and waited, but the door never opened. Confused, she peeks around the corner to see the door was still closed, but there was no one speaking in the room. Knocking on the door, she could hear shuffling in the room. After a second, Emrys opened the door.

Emrys: "Oh, Pyrrha! Your back. Late, but still alive, so that's good to see. Come on in. How was the trip?" Pyrrha heading into his room.

Pyrrha: "It was good; a lot happened. Got to use Excalibur in actual combat."

Emrys: "That's great! I hope no one got hurt."

Pyrrha: "Only Cardin, but that's not really a loss. I actually wanted to ask about something that happened after the fight."

Emrys: "Well, go ahead and tell me what happened?"

Pyrrha would then tell Emrys about the vision she saw from Excalibur. All about the castle that was built on top of a mountain, which pierced into the clouds. She also told him of the other vision, the round table and the throne with Excalibur and the crown. Emrys's interest grew as she told him about her vision. She noticed as she spoke certain books from the shelves in the Private Sanctum float and sat themselves down next to Emrys. She also surveyed the room while recounting the vision. She could tell someone else was in the room; certain things had been left disorganized and poorly hidden changes. As Pyrrha finishes her explanation, Emrys looks through some of his books. All the while, Pyrrha pokes around the sanctum. She again spotted the book from the day before about Merlin. It seemed like he was conducting a full-blown research project about the wizard from the Arthurian.

Pyrrha: "Emrys?" He perks up from his books. "I'd like to apologize for prying into your business."

Emrys: "What? Oh, you meant yesterday. Think nothing of it. You had the perfect reason to be curious, and I don't judge you for it."

Pyrrha: "That's not what I meant. You see, while on the trip, I decided to ask Blake about who Merlin was since she seemed to know a lot about people from books. She told me that he was a person in the Arthurian who was thought to be a wizard. What does he mean to you?"

Emrys: " looks like someone has done their homework. *sigh* While I didn't want to make this known knowledge to others, I've been researching for personal reasons."

Pyrrha: "Why?"

Emrys: "Well, most of my original spellbooks, we're said to be written by an ancestor of mine. When I tried to find the author of them, I could only find the person who wrote it was a man named Myrddin P. Wyllt. It makes no sense, I've looked everywhere for Myrddin, but I can't find anything. All I've found is info leading to Merlin from the Arthurian."

Pyrrha: "Well, have you tried asking for help. I'm certain Weiss, Ren, or Blake might know something."

Emrys: " might be right. Alright, let me grab a few things, and we can head over."

Pyrrha: "Emrys? Who were you talking to earlier?"

As she says this, Emrys freezes in place. The room began to feel very tense as Pyrrha started to regret asking that question. Emrys slowly set down the book he had in his hands and let out a very long sigh.

Pyrrha: "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry; please just forget what I said."

Emrys: " heard, which means you can't forget. *sigh* Okay...sit. I try and make it quick, but as far as we are concerned, this conversation never existed. Got it?" Pyrrha nods as they both sit down. "Okay. The person you heard was a friend of mine, I met him a long time ago, and he helped me collect several artifacts and spellbooks to expand my knowledge. He visits from time to time asking for help, and I have helped him. Mostly through certain enchanting of items, he wanted to be enchanted. Over the years, I have gained a certain number of favors. Favors that I can call him upon." Pulling out three small thin sticks. "Snapping these signals him that a favor is being called upon."

Pyrrha: "Who is he? Does he go here?"

Emrys: " He is more of an observer. But don't be mistaken, he is quite the formidable opponent. As an act of trust, I am gifting you with one of these so that you can call upon him. He won't hurt you as long as you let him know you're with me. Look, Pyrrha, I did find it hurtful that you took it upon yourself to involve yourself in my personal life, BUT I see now that you see me as something more than just a regular friend. So I would like to apologize for not trusting you enough to let you in on these secrets of mine even though you trusted me enough to tell me about your personal life. Now, how about we go and get some help from our friends. But let's keep the existence of our mutual friend a secret, alright?" Pyrrha, taken aback by his thoughtful words, nods. She helps him take some books as they make their way to Team RWBY's dorm.

Eventually making it to Team RWBY's dorm, Ruby is eager to greet the two of them but is slightly confused on why they are here. Emrys and Pyrrha would explain their predicament over finding anything about Myrddin. Weiss and Blake are eager to help, Ruby also shares the same eagerness but doesn't know a lot, Yang is more confused about why they are here so late. Hours later, they still are researching through the books Emrys has brought and the books they had on them. Eventually, they come to a roadblock.

Blake: "Why is this so hard to figure out?"

Weiss: "How is it that in all these books, we can't find a single man named Myrddin?"

Ruby: "Why don't you guys just try looking it up?"

Emrys: "What?"

Yang: "Just did. Myrddin is apparently the Mistral dialect for saying and pronouncing Merlin. So they're legit the same dude. Bet you all feel like idiots now?"

Pyrrha: "Wait, but wouldn't that mean that Merlin and Myrddin are the same person."

Blake: "Which means all of Emrys's books were written by Merlin P. Wyllt."

Weiss: "The same Merlin who would've also been alive at the same time when Emrys's family would receive these books. That's just basing it on if the legends of the Arthurian are factual."

Ruby: "Woah!! That's so cool, Emrys! You're related to a super all-powerful wizard! Can you turn into a Dragon?!"

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