Chapter 21: A Work Around To Success

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The Vytal Festival Tournament had begun. People from all over Remnant, we're here to celebrate the foundation of both the Four Kingdoms and the Huntsmen Academies that train the next generation of warriors against the Grimm. Currently, Team PREN are sitting in their locker room waiting for their match to begin. They had been put against Team BRNZ of Shade Academy. The team is sitting on a bench as Ren reads a small form given to them.

Ren: "..and due to the more than one-sided duels during his time in Beacon Academy combat class, Emrys Pendragon is hereby banned from participating in the Combat of the Tournament. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause." Nora snatches the paper from Ren's hands.

Nora: "This is unfair!!! You have every right to be a part of this. You're a member of our team Emrys."

Emrys: "It's fine, Nora. It makes sense. I mean, look at all my fights during class, yeah there weren't many, but I dominated each one without much hassle. If I actually wanted to try, I wouldn't necessarily need a team to win a 1v4. Not saying I don't want to face a 1v4 without you all!" Nora sighs in defeat as Emrys was technically correct.

Pyrrha: "Well, that just means we have to fight extra hard so we can prove we don't rely on Emrys."

Ren: "That's pretty easy for you to say. You have Excalibur, which pretty much puts you on the same level as Emrys."

Emrys: "Now, just because I can't be a part of the fight doesn't mean I can't help. As you clearly read, it says I can't participate in the COMBAT of the Tournament, but that doesn't stop me from participating in the readying of our team." Emrys smiles a cheeky smile as Morgana appears from her invisibility.

Nora: "Morgana! What's she doing here? She's not going to fight..right?"

Morgana: "What?! Me? Fight?! Hah, preposterous. I'm simply here to deliver a package that Master Emrys requested."  She then forms a solid chest from ethereal essence.

As the contents open, both Nora and Ren are astounded as they see the chest is filled with magical artifacts and trinkets. Nora instantly dived in and pulled out necklaces and rings and amulets, left and right.

Pyrrha: "Emrys? What is all this?"

Emrys: "These are magical artifacts I have come across or have made throughout my years of studying the arcane. Each one has an effect that can assist you in all manner of situations, both outside and inside combat. Please take what best suits your preference."

Pyrrha: "That's quite the collection but wouldn't using these be considered cheating?"

Ren: "Pyrrha, they're making us fight outnumbered. It's best if we have something to even the odds or perhaps gain the edge."

Emrys: "And please ask if you want to know what each one does. Oh! And you may keep these items. I don't really need them anymore. Just as Pyrrha stated, you shouldn't have to rely on me to make you strong, but I'm not going to stand by and let your potential be wasted. So I'd rather help you in small ways such as with these items." Nora pulling out a small necklace.

Nora: "Oh! Oh! What's this one do?"

Emrys: "That is a necklace of Mage Armor. Pretty much creates an invisible set of armor around you that acts as a second layer of aura. Plus the added benefit of granting the user a higher tolerance to pain." Nora's face lights up in joy. Ren puts on a set of bracers.

Emrys: "Ah! Those are the Bracers of the Ethereal. Those who wear them can transport themselves to the Ethereal Plane for a certain amount of time."

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