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Pyrrha slowly opens her eyes as she's met with the bright sunlight that pierces through the window of her room. It had been several days since her near-death fight with Mordred at Beacon. Since then, she, Emrys, Nora, and Ren were staying with Ruby and Yang in the cabin they grew up in on a small island named Patch. Her primary focus at this point had been recovering as her body went through a lot of stress and trauma, resulting in several fractured and broken ribs, a severely bruised arm, and a minor concussion. If it hadn't been for the arrival of that man named Hawk, she might not be alive. She'll have to thank him if she ever meets him again.

As she looks around the room, she sees the door open as Emrys walks in carrying a book he's currently reading, as well as a small tray of food that floats behind him.

Emrys: "Morning Pyrrha, how are you feeling? I brought you some breakfast. I hope you slept well."

Pyrrha: "I did, thank you." She slowly sits up, with Emrys's help, so she can eat the meal of bacon, toast, and scrambled eggs.

As she eats, Emrys couldn't help but stare at the several bandages covering her body. It made him feel responsible, as though it was his fault she was like this. In his mind, he should've never left her side. Maybe he hadn't; she wouldn't be like this. But he chose not to speak up about it. For now, he was glad that she was alive. Thanks to Hawk, that is.

Pyrrha: "Mmm, compliments to the chef. Very delicious. Where are the others?"

Emrys: "Nora is currently reading through Ruby's comic collection. Ren is out in the forest training with Tai. And Yang...well Yang still hasn't "fully" recovered."

Pyrrha: "If only we had shown up earlier, we could've done something."

Emrys: "Yeah...But it's not all bad. Hawk. He stopped by last night wanted to make sure you were recovering ok. He also gave me this to give to you. Said you dropped it." He holds out the Ring of Heroism.

Pyrrha was surprised, but she didn't question how she managed to lose it. Taking the ring, she put it back on her finger. She heard a voice in her mind; it was Hawk.

Hawk(mental): "Don't be alarmed. This is only a message. I know a lot of people who have some skill in magic. But anyway, look out for each other; Emrys cares very deeply for you as you do him. I also left this to give some advice. Don't slow down. Heal up, get strong, fight against the tyranny in your world. Be the leader you are destined to be. Sometimes Fate can hide greatness in strife, and you have to keep pushing through that strife, so you fulfill your destiny. Take it from me; going against Fate...never ends well. Take care, Pyrrha Nikos, and good luck." The voice then fades away.

Emrys: "Are you alright, Pyrrha?"

She smiles slightly at the ring before looking at Emrys. Quickly and without warning pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss, much to his surprise.

Emrys: "Mhmm!... What was that for? Not that I mind."

Pyrrha: "No reason, just wanted to. Can you do something for me?"

Emrys: "Anything."

Pyrrha: "That castle I told you I saw in that vision from Excalibur...what was it called?"

Emrys: "Uhh. I believe it went by Camelot. Why?"

Pyrrha: "I know what our next move will be."

Hey guys, HDAWG007 here. Don't be alarmed; I plan to come back to this story, just at a later time. I have to do a shit load of research on Arthurian Lore so I can be as close to accurate as possible with how I'm going to continue this story. But I am planning on writing another story in the meantime.

Arcane Manifest: A RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now