Chapter 11: Welcome to Beacon

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A week has passed since Pyrrha, Emrys, and Team RWBY found out that Emrys was related to the Master Wizard, Merlin. Currently, Pyrrha and Emrys are heading towards Headmaster Ozpin's office. Looking outside, they spot the large Atlesian felt covering over the city of Vale.

Pyrrha: "Wouldnt it be better if Atlas kept its fleet close to their capital? It seems unnecessary for them to have to do this." Watching as bullheads from the fleet fly around the city.

Emrys: "I believe this is what one might call a 'show of force'. Sometimes the idea of violence can prevent violence."

Pyrrha: "Whatever you say. I wonder what the headmaster wants with us?"

Emrys: "No clue. But there's only one way to find out."

Arriving at the elevator to the headmaster's office, they ride up towards the office. Pyrrha still thought about what those visions meant. Emrys ended up informing her that the castle was most likely Camelot, the castle that the Silver Eyed king ruled from. The large table was his 'Round Table', which in the story was where he led his most trusted knights.

Emrys: "How is it coming with Jaune? Any luck?"

Pyrrha: "Not too well. Luckily he has abandoned his involvement with Cardin and his team. But, he's seemed to have started to train on his own. While I wish he'd be there with our team, I can only hope he sees reason."

Emrys: "Look, let's focus on the now. Worrying about those you can't affect is a lost cause."

Pyrrha: "I suppose you're right."

Eventually, they two arrive at the top of the tower. Entering the headmaster's office, they spot two new people among the regular few they usually see. The two new people are dressed in Atlas military outfits. One wears a white coat with black accents. Pyrrha could tell with her semblance that he had certain metal parts, mostly on his right hand. The other is a young woman; she looks to be around 21. Her white hair reminds Pyrrha of Weiss, but it is possible the two could be related since Weiss is from Atlas. She dresses in a white coat-style dress with blue accents; on her hip is a sheathed saber.

Ozpin: "Ah. Mr. Pendragon, Ms. Nikos, welcome. Allow me to introduce you to the headmaster and general of the military of Atlas, James Ironwood. And the woman next to him is specialist Winter Schnee. James, Winter, allow me to introduce Pyrrha Nikos and Emrys Pendragon."

Ironwood: "A pleasure to make your acquaintance; your headmaster tells me that you two have made quite the impression." Winter does a slight nod at the two of them.

Pyrrha: "Thank you, but we've only just been going to class." Emrys nods in agreement.

Ozpin: "Please, there's no need to be so humble. The staff and other students of the school are abuzz about you two and your exploits. Emrys with his rather explosive combat training fights and you with your exceptional skill with that blade you carry." Ozpin gesturing to Excalibur on Pyrrha's hip.

Winter: "Surprising, seeing that most knowledge around you describes you as a master with a spear and shield. And even more surprising is that there is barely any knowledge regarding you, mister Emrys."

Emrys: "Well, I tend not to try and stick out as much as Pyrrha would. I'm just here to help her along her journey."

Ironwood: "A rather devoted friend you have, miss Nikos, something rare to find even in Atlas. I wonder where this devotion stems from."

As Pyrrha was going to say something, she hears a voice inside her mind.

Emrys(mental): "Don't worry, I cast this when we first walked in. I just wanted to make sure we had a proper plan, so we didn't do anything too rash."

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