Chapter 12: Burning Bridges and Building Castles

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The elevator door to Ozpin's office opens as Pyrrha stomps out followed quickly behind Emrys. Pyrrha's eyes burned with pure rage; Ironwood had told them that earlier during the day, Jaune had approached Ironwood asking if he could be transferred to Atlas academy. While Pyrrha had relegated Jaune to seeing him more as a team member than a friend like Nora or Ren. She still hoped he would try and build his friendship with his team, but there was no luck.

Pyrrha: "I can't believe he would do something so self-centered, idiotic, and downright foolish! Why would he do this?! He has a team to lead! So what? Just because he isn't as strong as others, he decides to abandon his team and switch schools."

Emrys: "Pyrrha, I understand your frustration, but I don't see what the problem is?" Pyrrha snaps towards him with rage in her voice.

Pyrrha: "Of course, you don't, Emrys! You aren't part of a team!" She then turns around and continues towards her dorm room to find Jaune. Leaving Emrys standing solemnly.

Emrys: "But...I thought we were a team."

Pyrrha eventually finds Jaune packing up some of his clothes in Team JNPR's dorm. Slamming the door behind her, Jaune looks up at her with indifference.

Pyrrha: "What the hell is your problem?! Are you so dead set on dying a hero you abandon your friends?!"

Jaune: "Huh? Where's Emrys?" Speaking almost as though he's disregarding her presence.

Pyrrha: "He has nothing to do with this. Why?! Why are you leaving? You have a team, and you have friends here. Why throw that all away?"

Jaune: "Friends? Hah. I have a team and 'so-called friends' that all think I'm weak. I'm going somewhere better where the people there actually see potential in me instead of what they see on the outside. And hey! When I'm gone, Ozpin will probably move your boyfriend to the team. Oh! My bad, you two aren't dating. So the real question is who's leading who on-" Jaune unable to finish his sentence as Pyrrha strikes him with a punch straight across the face, sending him stumbling backward. "...Heh, looks like the answer reveals itself...I think it's best if I finish packing later." Jaune straightens himself out as he walks past a stunned Pyrrha, leaving the dorm.

Pyrrha stood in the center of the dorm, mortified, not only that she had been goaded into using violence but because she didn't know if what Jaune said about her and Emrys was true. Had she been leading Emrys on unknowingly? Had her kindness and hospitality sent the wrong messages towards Emrys to have him believe she was romantically interested in him, even though she wasn't. But what if it was the other way around. Pyrrha had always found herself entranced by Emrys and his magical abilities, and at times it had been like he was showing off to her. She didn't know what to do, and now she had just for the first time let her anger get the better of her, to the point of resorting to violence instead of speaking and lashing out in anger towards her closest friend. She makes her way to her bed and sits at the edge, holding Excalibur in her hands; she begins to cry.

Back with Emrys. After Pyrrha's outburst towards him, he decided to retreat into his studies to try and let the negative feelings of doubt and inadequacy fade away. But they only festered and grew. Working on a project of his, he accidentally shocks his finger as he hears a knock on his Private Sanctum's door. Expecting it to be Pyrrha, he opens the ethereal door to see none other than Weiss at the door.

Emrys: "Oh! Weiss, what brings you here?"

Weiss: "Well, I was investigating the library for some good books to study with, but this one is written in a language I can't seem to properly translate. So I was wondering if you could assist me?"

Emrys: "Well, of course, what are friends for? Come on in; you can have a look around while I translate the book for you."

'Look around' wouldn't be the word to describe what Weiss did. She was utterly entranced and amazed not only by the magical capabilities of the room. Such as its ability to be twice the size of the school dorm, having its own fireplace, an entire library, and workstation. But she was also amazed by how organized the room was. Compared to the often messy and unkempt dorm she had to share with her team, this was paradise for her. All the while, Emrys watched on, a smile of amusement on his face as he watched Weiss's face light up like a scoreboard at all the marvels he had in his Private Sanctum. Eventually, Weiss would focus back on Emrys, who still had his look of amusement. Caught out of character, she quickly realigns herself back to her prim and proper self.

Weiss: "I hope you're done. I do not have all day."

Emrys: "Actually, I've been done for quite a bit. I had a copy of this book pre-translated, coincidentally to Atlesian. Quite surprising you'd go to all this trouble for a book titled 'How to ask a guy out on a Date'."

Weiss, yet again caught red-handed, no less, is now red-faced as she tries to keep her composure but to no avail.

Weiss: "I..uh-well..that is none of your business. Now hand it here...please." Emrys smiles softly as he hands her the book.

Emrys: "Word of advice, if you want a guy to like you, just have a bit more confidence in yourself." Weiss quickly takes the book and leaves the Private Sanctum. Emrys noticing that on her way out, he could've sworn he saw her skip a little.

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