Chapter 4: Magic Circle

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It had been a day since Pyrrha had arrived to be with her new team, JNR. With her inclusion, the group now became JNPR. The team members consisted of Jaune as the team leader, Lie Ren, a soft-spoken individual, and Nora Valkyrie, a loud and hyperactive girl. Much like Emrys, they didn't treat her any differently because of who she was. They instead treated her with the same kindness and respect she showed them. That didn't stop them from asking her many questions about how she survived against a Deathstalker and how they managed to survive the cave-in. Pyrrha chose to withhold the information about Emrys's semblance and magic. Mainly because it all still really confused her, but it wasn't her place to talk about other people. But as the new school year started, she knew that she had to refocus herself; she couldn't worry about if Emrys would be alright.

On the contrary, she had confidence that he would be fine. She was now sitting in the classroom of Professor Port, a burly older man who spends most of the class reliving his past life as a huntsman. As even Pyrrha is trying her hardest to stay awake, she feels a hand tap her on the shoulder. Looking towards whoever got her attention, she was surprised to see a small floating ethereal hand. It makes a waving motion before disappearing to reveal Emrys on the other side of the classroom. Pyrrha instantly forgets about the class and her tiredness, replacing it with joy as she waves towards Emrys, who happily waves back. Emrys then makes the hand motions to signal to not sleep during class. The class would eventually watch as Weiss Schnee would take on a boarbatusk, after which she stormed out.

Making it to lunchtime, team JNPR would eat at their table with their "Sister Team" team RWBY. Team RWBY comprised of some really fast friends that she had made. Their team leader, Ruby Rose, was relatively young to be a huntress, but she had a fun personality. Her step-sister Yang Xiao Long was much older than her sister, but even if they weren't related, they treated each other as family. Weiss Schnee, while she didn't have the snobbish nature of her family, she did see herself in a higher standard. Lastly was Blake, she kept to herself and got along with her teammates, but Pyrrha knew she had a lot of secrets. As they ate, Pyrrha kept looking around the cafeteria for Emrys, but she couldn't seem to find him.

Nora: "Pyrrha? Pyrrha? Remnant to Pyrrha?"

Pyrrha: "Oh! Sorry. Did you need something?"

Jaune: "Pyrrha, you've been distracted all day."

Yang: "Yeah, it's probably cause of that boy she was making googly eyes at during Ports class."

Weiss: "*gasp* Pyrrha." Ruby covered her mouth in surprise.

Blake: "Now, this is interesting."

Pyrrha: "I-its not like that w-we're just friends." Unbeknownst to her, Emrys was right behind her.

Emrys: "Aww, and I thought we had something special." Setting his food tray down as he takes a seat next to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Emrys!! I didn't see you there! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to lead you on like that!"

Emrys: "Calm down, Pyrrha. It was just a joke. Besides, the last thing we both need to worry about is having a relationship at the start of the school year. Well? Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Pyrrha: "Oh! Yes! Uh, well, you know Jaune already. That's Nora, next to her is Ren. The small one is Ruby, and the blonde is her sister Yang, this is Weiss, and next to her is Blake. Everyone, this is Emrys Pendragon."

Emrys: "Greetings everyone, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Yang: "It is a real pleasure, Emrys. Say? Where's the rest of your team?"

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