Chapter 20: A Tyrant's Kingdom

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Emrys: "Mordred?! Do you mean the Usurper Mordred? Once a knight of the silver-eyed king's court?"

Mordred: "Silence your mouth, wizard. Don't think I don't recognize those eyes of yours. You share the eyes of that old bastard Arthur associated himself with. And the silver-eyed king? If you're referring to Arthur, you are sadly mistaken. Arthur had eyes that some said shined like emeralds. I, on the other hand, as you can see, have silver eyes. Most likely a change in history to make my descendants into righteous heroes instead of mighty conquerors."

Pyrrha: "What are you talking about?"

Mordred: "You poor innocent idiot. I'm saying YOU. ARE. A DESCENDANT. OF ARTHUR. Yes, the hair may hide your lineage but those eyes, those damn eyes. It's as if I'm looking at Arthur once more. But enough of all this prattle, I have business to take care of." Mordred begins to walk towards the cave's exit, team PREN still unable to move because of Mordred's semblance. "Now then, I wonder how Salem's doing. Hopefully, she hasn't ruined my castle."

Several minutes later, team PREN collapsed to the floor as the semblance had worn off.

Nora: "Pyrrha...what the hell was that?"

Pyrrha: "I don't know, but we need to find Qrow and get out of here." Helping the others stand up.

As the team heads out of the tunnel, Pyrrha notices Emrys walking slower than the others.

Pyrrha: "*Whispering* Hey. Are you alright?"

Emrys: "*Whispering* No. All these years of training my magic, and I couldn't do a damn thing to help...I felt so useless. I'm sorry that I failed you." Pyrrha takes hold of his hand.

Pyrrha: "*Whispering* Don't say things like that. You're an important part of this team, and you're important to me." Emrys couldn't help but turn away as his cheeks turned a deep red.

Emrys: "*Whispering* Thank you, Pyrrha."

The four of them head out of the tunnel to see Qrow knocked out under some rubble. They rush over, and Emrys cast a spell to lift the rubble as the others drag his unconscious body out. Attempting to wake him up, Qrow startles awake, shooting up from his laid down position.

Qrow: "Ah!! *Heavy Breathing* Oh, oh Oum, that fucking hurt. Are...are you kids okay?"

Ren: "Yeah. Are you okay?"

Qrow: "I don't know what happened. I came back out here after that small earthquake, and I saw this old guy come walking out of the tunnel you two went in. He started spouting some bullshit about reclaiming his kingdom. I went up and did the whole huntsman routine. He gave me a look of annoyance, and then judo flipped me into a pile of rubble, and then I blacked out."

Emrys: "Look, we can discuss that when we get back to Beacon, but we need to leave. Now." Qrow nods as he calls the Bullhead that delivered them here.

Three Days Later, The Darklands

The Darklands, a vast landscape of barren wasteland. Teeming with Grimm and creatures that exist only to destroy all life. Hidden in this wasteland is a large crystal structure; the crystal seems to be protruding from the interior of a large castle. All around the former castle, Grimm patrol and fight one another.

Inside the castle, where the throne room would be, is instead a long table made of the same crystal that protrudes throughout the castle. Inside the room seems to be a meeting of sorts. Many individuals sit around the table; one is a scorpion Faunus, another is a large man wearing a brown coat, and a bearded man wearing a short brown jacket. The three students, Mercury, Emerald, and Cinder, sit at the table. Finally, at the end of the table is a woman with white skin and hair, black veins appear to spread across her face, her visage is that of a Grimm.

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