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In a far-off land, filled with magic, wonder, and of course, its fair share of danger. There is a small kingdom. Its people live peaceful lives, sheltered within the walls of their city, their legion of knights ready to lay down their lives to protect them. At the head of this kingdom...is a king, obviously. Currently, the king is sitting on his throne, going over the daily routine a king goes through. The throne room is immaculate, columns line the walls, a knight in full plate armor standing at each pillar. The windows open to allow the sunlight to shine into the throne room. The king himself is nearing his older years, his long white hair matched by his long and (at times) majestic beard. He sits wearing a large white robe that has accents of gold and purple, both signs of prestige and royalty.

As the king takes a deep breath, ready to take on another day of rule, he blinks, and when his eyes open, he's slightly confused. The room had changed. The once bright window only looked out onto a void of darkness. No guards or staff near him at all. He was alone. This, however, did not surprise him. Since he was a young boy, he had received visions, and he was now receiving another. Getting up from his throne, he makes his way towards the throne room door. Pushing it open, he steps through to see that he's now not in the throne room anymore, or in the castle, or even in the kingdom. He was in the lightless void, alone, or so he thought. He then saw ten sets of dark blue eyes peer through the darkness. They watched him with what he could only assume was malice. But then seven figures made of light appeared by his side. They shielded him from the shadows and fought against them. But fire can only go for so long in a blizzard, and eventually, the seven shining figures were consumed by the void. Now the king was alone, unable to stop the shadows from enveloping him. But then he smelled a peculiar scent. It smelled like what one may smell when lightning was going to strike...ozone. He then felt an immense heat, and a bright light cast the shadows away from him as well as what appeared to be lightning strike down the rest of the shadows. Turning around, he sees two figures made of light, one a man with a crimson right arm holding a blade that leaked the same crimson, like blood dripping from his blade. The other was a woman who shined with the light of the sun; her twin short swords lit ablaze with the same heat and light of the sun. They stood, stalwart and unwavering—beacons of light and power and hope for the dangers to come.

Blinking again, he sees he's back in his throne room, no void, no shadowy figures, and no figures of light. One knight turned to see the king flustered; the knight rushed over to his king.

Guard: "My lord! Are you alright?! Did you have another vision?"

King: "Yes. Yes, I did...Bring me Sir Meliodas."

Arcane Manifest: A RWBY StoryWhere stories live. Discover now