Chapter 23: The Beginning of Something New

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Ozpin: "*sigh*...If that is your wish, then you may be excused. I also do believe it would be best if you leave as well, Mr. Pendragon."

Pyrrha and Emrys look toward one another and nod as they begin to head to the elevator. All the while, they both can feel the eyes of the other three look down upon them. Almost as though they failed them. Entering the elevator and heading back upward towards the first floor, the silence is now maddening. Both have no words to say to the other. Pyrrha wanted to say something, but she had no clue if her choice made Emrys upset or angry in any way. Emrys, on the other hand, was disappointed, not with Pyrrha; she was one of the people that he never could be negative towards. But he was disappointed in Ozpin, in Qrow, Goodwitch, and Ironwood. Each of them was willing to sacrifice human life to gain a slight advantage. Deep sickened him.

Exiting the elevator, the two solemnly walked back towards the stadium area. Emrys wanted to say something, to break the silence, but he didn't know what to say. But he had to try.

Emrys: "Pyrrha, I-"

Pyrrha: "Stop. lied to me. You never told me you were a part of that group. Why? I trusted you." Her voice ached with pain.

Emrys: "I'm sorry. He made me swear secrecy. Believe me, I wanted you to be brought in, but Ozpin said he wanted to make sure he trusted you. But for me, never gave me a choice. I truly wanted to tell you, but he said he needed my help to save Amber. I tried all I could, but as you can see, it didn't work. I never wanted to hurt you or betray you like this."

Pyrrha: "...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have treated you like that, Emrys. You were trying to help like you always do."

Emrys: "Thank you, but I don't deserve that. You shouldn't have someone you need to trust, not lie to you."Pyrrha takes Emrys's hands into her own.

Pyrrha: "No, please. Don't say things like that. We all make mistakes, you, me, Jaune, even Ren, and Nora. That's what makes us human, what makes us unique and amazing. It's what extraordinary."

Emrys: "Pyrrha-" But his words were cut as Pyrrha closed the gap between the two and brought her lips to meet his.

Pyrrha, in her mind, was currently having a mild panic attack as she had no idea what she was doing. It was as though her body moved on its own. As she stood there holding his hands in her own, the single thought of kissing him popped into her mind for just a solid second and left just as fast. But even a split second is all her heart needed to make the decision.

And that decision was currently being enacted as she is kissing him, ACTUALLY kissing him. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't pull away. It was as though her body froze in pure bliss and shock. But what surprised her the most was that Emrys hadn't pulled away yet. But slowly, he began to reciprocate the same feeling. He softly rested his hands on her waist as he gently pulled her closer, Pyrrha eagerly obliging. The two shared their tender moment for what seemed like ages. But alas, all good things must come to an end; the two unwillingly break apart as the need for air overshadowed their want for one another. But even then, the distance between them was only a few centimeters.

Pyrrha: "*Whispering* I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do that."

Emrys: "*Whispering* Then don't." Pulling her in for another sensuous kiss again, much to Pyrrha's joy.

The two again shared a tender moment, around the corner though near where the two were. Ruby struggles to hide her excitement as she covers her mouth.

Ruby: "*Whispering* I have to tell, EVERYONE." Quickly dashing off using her semblance.

As the Chosen Wielder of Excalibur and her Wizard finally acknowledged their love for one another. The Vytal Festival still went on. The tournament continued, and the people celebrated, forgetting the troubles that lay just outside the city.

The scene now shifts to the outskirts of the city, to the forest that surrounds the large city of Vale. Standing at the break of the forest is a large figure in a blood-red suit of armor. The helmet removes itself to reveal Mordred watching over the city with a look of disdain. Walking up next to him were both Cinder and Watts.

Mordred: "Doctor Watts, I must thank you for making this spectacular armor

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Mordred: "Doctor Watts, I must thank you for making this spectacular armor. If what you have bragged about is true, then the metal men of Atlas will stand no chance against it, and neither will the Huntsmen. Cinder, my young maiden, are the preparations set."

Cinder: " lord. Their system is ready to be removed, and your forces stand ready...and hungry."

The three turn to see the seemingly endless number of Grimm using the forest to hide their approach.

Mordred: "Good. Remember your mission, Cinder, and do not forget who is allowing you to have such power."

Cinder: "I won't."

Mordred: "I am allowing you to have these powers as a sort of "olive branch", to show you that having loyalty to me can grant you many boons."

Watts: "Might I ask, my lord? Why so many Grimm? Surely the forces we ad before we're sufficient."

Mordred: "While you are correct, Doctor. This is to show true dominance, to break the will of our opponents, and to show the rest of the world the true might I now command."

Watts: "Right you are. Shall I?" He holds his finger over a small datapad.

Mordred: "Do it, and begin the age of Mordred." Watts nods as he presses on the datapad, which causes the defenses that once protected the city of Vale...go silent.

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