Chapter 9: Truth in the Forever Falls

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Emrys: "Uh!.. Well, would you look at the time! It's getting pretty late. You should probably head back to your dorm! You don't wanna to be late for your field trip tomorrow? See you tomorrow, bye." Emrys quickly rushed her out of the door, closing it behind her.

Pyrrha: "Wait?!" Turning around to see the door already closed. "Well, that was just rude."

But for as rude as it may have been, he was right. She did have to head back to her team dorm and prepare for their field trip to the Forever Falls. Eventually, arriving back at her team's dorm room, she was met with a distraught Nora and Ren. Quickly assuring them that she was alright, they all headed off to bed for the night.

The Next Day

The Forever Falls is one of Vale's most beautiful locations. It is most well known for its pure crimson red leaves during the Fall season. But the class wasn't there to sight-see. The class chaperone had assigned them a task to collect sap from the trees in the forest. While Pyrrha watched Nora and Ren collect sap, her mind was too busy thinking about why Emrys was so defensive about this "Merlin" person. Seeing Team RWBY a short distance, she let Ren and Nora know she'd to be gone for only a moment, which was met with a hearty thumbs up from Nora. Making her way over, she decided to ask the person on their team who might have any clue about the topic, Blake.

Pyrrha: "Excuse me, Blake. Would you mind helping me out with something?"

Blake: "If it's dating advice, no can do."

Pyrrha: " I just wanted to know something more in your field of expertise, books."

Blake: "Now that I can certainly help with. Shoot."

Pyrrha: "Do you happen to know anyone by the name of Merlin?"

Blake: "Give me a moment." Blake takes a moment to think. "Oh yeah. That names a pretty old one. It comes from the Arthurian. A collection of stories about a wise king named Arthur who wielded a blade known as "The Blade of Fate". Anyway, Merlin was his royal advisor, and it was commonly inferred that Merlin had somewhat magical powers. Honestly, the stories are more like bedtime stories. Why'd you want to know? Need a good bedtime story for Nora?"

Pyrrha: "*chuckle* No, I don't think it'd work on her. But I greatly appreciate the assistance. How is it coming with your team?" Before Blake could answer, though, three members of team CRDL run by screaming about a Grimm.

Pyrrha, without hesitation, springs into action running in the opposite direction, towards where they were coming from. Pyrrha had to admit while she was used to running with Akoūo and Miló, Excalibur seemed to let her run even faster and more seamlessly. It was like it didn't even weigh her down or prevent her movement. But she needed to focus. She had trained all this time against mirage images of Grimm. Now she would face the real thing; this was the test of her abilities with Excalibur she needed. Breaking through into a clearing, she spotted an Ursa fighting against Jaune, protecting an injured Cardin. Unsheathing Excalibur, the blade seemed to glow in the sunlight. The ring from the blade being unsheathed grabbed the Ursa's attention. It turned towards her and roared as it began to charge at her. Keeping a firm stance, she sidestepped the Ursa and, with a single horizontal cleave, cut all four of its legs off. It crashed into the ground. Walking up to the dying Grimm, Pyrrha drives Excalibur into the Ursa, ending its life. She sheathes Excalibur as the Grimm fade away into dust. She's amazed at how easily Excalibur sliced through the usually tough exterior of the Ursa. Pyrrha turned around to check on Jaune and Cardin, surprised to see Jaune helping Cardin to his feet.

Pyrrha: "Are you two ok?" But she doesn't receive a response as Jaune carries Cardin back towards the bullhead. "*sigh* Welp, it looks like he made his choice, huh." Looking down to Excalibur as it glistens in the sun.

Ruby: "Woah!! Pyrrha, that was so cool!! You were all like 'shing' and it was all like 'blaargh'." Ruby, obviously acting out the fight, much to Pyrrha's enjoyment.

Weiss: "Yes..while Ruby may be a bit too...expressive. It was a rather impressive display. You seem to be very well accustomed to using that heirloom of yours."

Ruby: "Are you sure it's not a gun because your sword's still glowing." Pointing at Excalibur.

Pyrrha: "Oh yeah! It does that. Don't worry too much about it. I'm pretty sure Emrys might know something about it; he seems to know way too much about things like this."

Weiss: "Well, how about we make our way back to the bullhead, or Ms. Goodwitch will have our heads."

The three begin to head back to the bullhead. Upon arriving, Pyrrha would be congratulated for helping her classmates. Their ride back was filled with Ruby reenacting Pyrrha's duel with the Ursa, and as Pyrrha watched the rest of team RWBY, Ren and Nora marvel at the story, Pyrrha realized something. This is what Emrys meant. He and the others bring each other up; they are always there for each other when they need help. Pyrrha could count on each of them to have her back, and they could count on her to do the same. For perhaps the first time in her life in a very long time, she actually had authentic and genuine friends, and she would do anything to make sure they were safe. Taking Excalibur out from its sheath, she saw the glimmer the blade still held from before. It was slightly dimmer, but she could tell it had the same energy from after the fight. She looked at the blade's edge as it began to shimmer like a lake. She watched in wonder as the shimmer started to take form. It first showed a gigantic castle that scaled into the clouds. It sat on top of a solitary mountain connected only by a bridge; it had large towers and walls that seemed to tower above those at Beacon.

The blade then shimmered again. Regaining a clear image, it showed a large round table with many seats around it, but behind the table is a large throne with swords implanted into the ground before it. Leaning on the throne is Excalibur, with a crown resting next to the sword.

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