Chapter 25: The Deadliest Observer

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Pyrrha: "Mordred, he-"

Hawk: "Don't worry about him; worry about yourself. I'll take care of him." Pyrrha felt a sort of calmness from his words.

What she managed to make out from Hawk was that he was a good few years older than her, around 24 or 25. He wore a dark black and white coat. The right sleeve had been removed for the metallic arm that he has. For as little as she knew of him, Pyrrha had the distinct feeling that he wasn't going to hurt her in any way.

Hawk: "Rest up now, Emrys will probably be-"

Emrys: "Pyrrha!" Coming in from a small portal.

Hawk: "Oh. There he is." Emrys rushes over to both of them and kneels and cradles Pyrrha.

Emrys: "Are you alright? Are you hurt?"

Hawk: "She's a little beat up, but she'll be fine. Just needs a bit of rest." Hawk turns towards the rubble to see it begin to move a bit.

Pyrrha: "He's still..*grunt* I have to-" She tries to get up but collapses when she picks up Excalibur. Hawk quickly catching her again.

Hawk: "You're in no condition to fight. Now sit down and rest. Emrys, you get her out of here."

Emrys: "Come on, Pyrrha, Hawk's got this handled. We have to go."

Emrys quickly opens a portal back to the docks. The last thing Pyrrha sees before heading through the portal is Mordred bursting from the rubble, his silver eyes glowing a bright light. But Hawk was unfazed as he unsheathes a katana he had on his waist and continued to walk calmly towards Mordred.

But soon, the portal closed, and both of them were at the docks of Vale. Pyrrha weakly looked around to see hundreds of civilians being evacuated on ships. She also spotted huntsmen from both Vale and Atlas defending the surrounding area. Pyrrha then heard the familiar voice of Nora as she and Ren ran over. They tried to speak to her, but she was so exhausted it was a struggle even to keep her eyes open. She wanted to sleep so badly, to wake up and believe this was all a dream. Pyrrha slowly closes her eyes and falls into a deep sleep.

Ren: "What's wrong with her? She's closing her eyes."

Emrys: "She just resting. As you can tell, she's in pretty bad shape. What about Yang and Blake?"

Nora: "Yang is being taken care of, and Blake is on a ship with Ruby and Weiss. What happened?"

Emrys: "It was Mordred. He's the one who attacked Yang and Blake. And he's the one to do this to Pyrrha."

Nora: "Mordred! I'm going to break that guy's stupid legs!!"

Then everyone at the docks stops and stares as a massive explosion of lightning can be seen demolishing Beacon Academy. They watch as a large object comes crashing into one of the shipping containers at the docks. Multiple other containers are taken out in the collision, and civilians flee from the wreckage as Huntsmen investigate. Mordred, in his suit, slowly climbs out of the pile of shipping containers. His suit is now missing an arm and is badly damaged, so much so that he is barely able to stand.

Ren: "Geez. What could've done that?"

Hawk: "That would be me." He says, walking past the team, sword in hand as it sparks with electricity.

Nora: "Wait. Who are you?"

Hawk: "A friend, here to clean up a mess. Don't mind me; go about your business." Hawk walks up to Mordred, who is now on one knee.

Mordred: "How?... How?! How did you best me?! I had all this power, and yet you barely have a scratch on you."

Hawk: "Actually, no scratches at all. The explosion kind of singed my coat. Luckily, my fiancèe knows how to make quality clothing. Who would've known? done avoiding death? Cause I'm getting bored chasing you around." He holds up his sword towards the chest plate.

Mordred: "Heh...I shall never truly be dead, for the legacy I leave shall be eternal. But you, when you die, you will be forgotten and lost to history."

Hawk rolls his eyes as he thrusts his katana through his chest. The other people watch as the suit of armor falls backward and collapses into the pile of shipping containers. Pulling his sword from Mordred, Hawk looks towards Emrys and nods as he slashes in the air and creates a white portal which he soon walks through. As the portal closes behind him, the huntsmen approach the now corpse of Mordred.

Nora: "Is it over?"

Emrys: "Well, I don't know about the Grimm, but I know we won't have to deal with Mordred. Come on, let's meet up with the others."

Several buildings away overlooking the docks, Cinder stands watching as Mordred falls to Hawk. In her grasp is the medallion he had given her before he fought Pyrrha in the school.

Mordred(flashback): "Young Maiden, this will be my final battle. I can feel is the day I die. But if that is what fate wills, then I shall ensure that one of my disciple's ambitions shall be realized. Take this...take the power you so deserve and let no one decide what you are to be. Remember, if you are in ever need of guidance, search for a woman by the name of Morgan Le Fey."

Cinder: "Morgan Le Fey, huh." Gripping the medallion tightly as she leaves Vale.

*For those Unaware who Hawk is, I suggest reading Child of Omens: Ruination*

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