Chapter 13: A Magic Hiccup

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Emrys currently sits in a chair within his Private Sanctum. He is watching an orb float on a stand as it seems to fluctuate between different colors and elements. As he studies the orb, he vocally takes notes as an animate pen writes down what he says. Three days have passed since Pyrrha lost her anger towards Jaune's actions, and unfortunately, Emrys was caught in the middle of it. Choosing to sulk about her harsh words towards him by committing to his work.

Emrys: "The manifestation seems to fluctuate between several different forms of elements. Almost as though it is sifting through them, attempting to find a suitable form to take. As of this moment, its favored forms are ice and void. You getting this down?" He turns to the pen to see it move a nod, indicating that it was.

As he was about to continue his observation, he heard a knock at his door. Getting up after casting an invisibility spell on the orb, he makes his way to the door. He was surprised to see Weiss as he opened the door. She seemed to be filled with anticipation about something.

Emrys: "Ah, Weiss, it's good to see. What brings you to my room? Class isn't for another hour."

Weiss: "Well...I wanted to know if you wanted to..uh...'participate' in a small team activity with my team and a few others later in the afternoon?"

Emrys: "Depends? What will we be doing?"

Weiss: "See, that's the won't know unless you accept."

Emrys: "*Sigh*...Okay. I accept." Weiss lights up with joy and excitement.

Weiss: "Great! Great. Meet me at my team's dorm shortly after school. Oh, and come in a different outfit."

Emrys: "Alright, alright...Wait, why the different outfit?" But it was too late as Weiss skips away. "Such a strange girl."

Closing his door, he sets up a different change of clothes later on. Canceling the invisibility spell, he notices the orb has gotten slightly smaller. The power it had wasn't diminished, but it seemed to condense itself. Now staying a solid gold/bronze color.

Emrys: "Strange...Book mark down the following: After a brief gap of unmonitored time, approximately 2 minutes, the orb has condensed in size and has changed coloration to a solid gold/bronze color. Strangely enough, it matches the same color of Pyrrha's armor...intriguing."

Soon enough, he hears another knock at his door. Confused that it may be Weiss again, he rolls his eyes as he opens the door, but standing before him is Pyrrha.

Emrys: "Oh, Pyrrha. What can I do for you?"

Pyrrha: "Hi...can we talk?"

Emrys: "Sure. Come in. Don't mind the orb, just a little project. Here we can sit and chat." Using his magic to create an ethereal chair to sit in as he offers his other chair to Pyrrha. "Are you alright? Is there something wrong?"

Pyrrha: "I know that things seem...distant with us, since what happened three days ago. I wanted to say I'm sorry. I got lost in my anger and lashed out at you because you wanted to help. I shouldn't have done that, and I feel terrible about what I said to you. It took me so long to see you because I was terrified that you would hold feelings of contempt towards me. And it's alright if you still do, but I wanted you to know either way how sorry I am."

Emrys: "...I'm not going to lie to you, Pyrrha, granted I never do, but the words you said that day hurt. You were the first person at this school who didn't look at me and see someone weak. You treated me with kindness and respect. In doing so, we formed a fast friendship; I know it may seem like with this whole Excalibur thing that it looks like I serve you or something. But deep down, I want to help you because you're experiencing something that in your eyes seems otherworldly, and it would be wrong of me not to help someone who chose to help me. From then on, I thought we were a team of our own, 'The Wizard and the Champion' or perhaps 'The Knight and The Mage', meh. But I want you to know that no matter what happens, I'll always have your back because you know you'll have mine. That's what friends are for, right?" Emrys holds out his fist, Pyrrha smiles as she first bumps with him.

Pyrrha: "Right...Thank you, Emrys...There was something else I wanted to talk about if you don't mind-"

But her words are cut off as the floating orb in the center of the room begins to pulsate. Its golden/bronze light grows brighter with each pulse. Emrys shoots up from the chair and casts a protective shield around the two of them.

Pyrrha: "What is that thing? What is it doing?"

Emrys: "Living Magic. A project I've been working on for quite a while. I made it with the specific purpose of allowing for greater control of my more volatile spells. But what it is doing now, I have no clue."

Pyrrha: "But what about the school? This thing could explode."

Emrys: "Don't worry, my Private Sanctum is made in a pocket dimension. If this does go explosive, it won't affect the school."

The orb continues to pulsate as the time between pulses shortens until it shines a blinding light. Dissipating, the orb is now the size of a baseball, and it floats in the center of the room. But the two are surprised when it begins to move around the room, going under desk over shelves and knocking a few books over.

Pyrrha: "Is it me, or does it look like it's...exploring?"

Eventually, the orb comes to the barrier Emrys had made. Stopping at its edge, it bounces off the barrier twice. It flashes a dark blue, then the barrier shatters, Pyrrha immediately getting in front of the orb, wielding Excalibur. The orbs float in front of her for a bit then flashes many colors and begins making small noises. Recoiling backward from its noise, the orb begins to vibrate for a few moments. Emrys and Pyrrha watch in utter confusion before what occurs next stun them both.

Orb: "Finally! Imagine trying to speak through beeps and boops. That would've gotten annoying very quickly." It says in a feminine voice.

Pyrrha: "Did that thing..just speak?"

Emrys: "Incredible."

Orb: "Of course, I just spoke; you wouldn't have heard me if I didn't. Now...who are you two?"

Pyrrha: "Well...I'm Pyrrha, and this is Emrys."

Emrys: "Uh...hi. I'm the person who brought you into existence."

Orb: " you're my dad?" Pyrrha burst into a giggle.

Emrys: "Well, um, no...but yes. What are you, and how are you able to speak?"

Orb: "Oh, that's simple. I was made using pure arcane magic. Technically speaking, I am the first of my kind—a being made of magic. Anyways for why I'm able to speak, I simply absorbed all the knowledge from your extensive library. Quite impressive, might I say."

Pyrrha: "Do you have a name?"

Orb: " entirely. My father- I mean, Emrys had to make me using the teachings of another wizard named Merlin. Unbeknownst to Emrys, Merlin based his teaching on making living magic based on his own personality."

Emrys: "Yes, but Merlin's teaching was flawed. His attempts were met with failure, mostly from the magic collapsing on itself. How is it that you survived?"

Orb: "Now that's a REAL question. What most likely occurred is that Merlin never attempted to create a living magic entity in a suitable environment. In more laymen's terms, you were able to succeed because you made me in a magic-based environment."

Pyrrha: "Ooh...your the baby and the Private Sanctum the womb."

Orb: "Exactly. Congrats, Emrys; it's a girl. Or more accurately, a non-binary magical entity whose consciousness is based on someone dead for a long time."

Emrys: "Jokes aside. If your personality is based on Merlin's, wouldn't that make you Merlin, but female?"

Orb: "Yes. But as you are the technical father, you have naming rights."

Emrys: " about Morgana."

Morgana: "Based off the Arthurian master of illusion and enchantment, as well as supposed sister to Arthur and rival to Merlin...sure, Morgana it is. It is a pleasure to meet you two."

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