Chapter 14: Painting the Town

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As the school day ends, Emrys and Pyrrha walk down the dorm halls towards Team RWBY's dorm, wearing different clothes. Pyrrha was just as confused as Emrys was about what Team RWBY was planning, but she had to admit the outfit he made for her using his magic wasn't too bad.

Pyrrha also couldn't hide the redness in her cheeks as she found Emrys's new attire quite lovely

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Pyrrha also couldn't hide the redness in her cheeks as she found Emrys's new attire quite lovely.

Pyrrha also couldn't hide the redness in her cheeks as she found Emrys's new attire quite lovely

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Emrys: "Pyrrha? You good?" Pyrrha quickly turned to hide her blushing cheeks.

Pyrrha: "Yes! Yes. I'm alright...You look quite handsome. I knew getting your hair changed would be better. Besides, you really pull it off."

Emrys: "You think so?" Trying to move his hair to the side, but Pyrrha ends up fixing it for him. "Thanks. How do you like the new outfit? Not too much."

Pyrrha: "It's quite lovely, thank you."

Emrys: "No problem, besides, I always thought your outfit from before was a bit too...revealing."

Pyrrha: "Unfortunately, I'll have to agree. I'm just glad I can wear something that'll keep me warm and protect me in combat. So what of Morgana? I know we had to go to class and you had to leave her alone for some time. How's she or it doing with the whole..existing thing?"

Emrys: "Well, to say Morgana was or, well, still is, excited to go exploring is an understatement. I had to create an illusory self to leave my room. Hopefully, when we're done with the whole after-school activity, we can set some ground rules. Thanks, by the way, for coming with me."

Pyrrha: "No thanks needed. We're a team, remember, and it's always a pleasure to hang out with you." Pyrrha noticing Emrys's cheeks, redden slightly.

Eventually, they reach Team RWBY's door. As they knock, the door quickly opens to reveal Blake, also in a different outfit.

Blake: "Oh! Hey, you two. What can I do for you?"

Emrys: "Uh well, Weiss invited me to join some group activity you all were doing, so I thought I'd bring Pyrrha along."

Weiss: "Emrys! You're here..and you brought Pyrrha...fantastic!" Pyrrha could quickly tell Weiss was not ecstatic about her being here. "Well, come on in; we're about to get started."

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