Chapter 3: The Blade of Fate and the Spellbook

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Pyrrha and Emrys walk through the dense Emerald forest once again. Emrys created a magical platform that lifted them to the hole in the cave ceiling where they found the sword, Excalibur. Walking through the forest, Pyrrha felt a sort of "oneness" with the longsword, while it wasn't a type of weapon she was accustomed to wielding. In her hands, she felt as though she'd trained with this weapon all her life, even though the weapons she really trained with were strapped to her back at the moment.

Emrys: "So? What's it like?"

Pyrrha: "It feels heavy, but for some reason, it's starting to get lighter as I carry it."

Emrys: "Strange. I wonder if it has any magical properties. Unfortunately, we won't be able to know the full extent until we get back to the school."

Pyrrha: "That is, if we didn't already fail the exam."

Emrys: "No need to worry about it, Pyrrha. I'm certain everything will turn out alright."

???: "Hey! You two!"

The two turn to see an older-looking man with a large scythe hanging from a tree branch. He wears a light grey jacket with a darker grey shirt underneath. He also wears a slightly torn cape. Even from where they are, they can smell the slight hint of alcohol.

 Even from where they are, they can smell the slight hint of alcohol

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Pyrrha: "Who are you?" Pointing Excalibur towards the stranger.

Qrow: "Yeesh, no need to get all hostile. I'm a huntsman, Qrow Branwen, a pretty famous name. Look, Ozpin sent me to double-check the forest for two initiates that got trapped on the wrong end of a Deathstalker."

Emrys: "That would be us, and the Deathstalker stalks no more." Pyrrha slightly rolled her eyes at his joke.

Qrow: "No shit? Huh. Well, follow me. I'll get you two back to school. Ozpin will want to see you."

Pyrrha and Emrys follow behind Qrow towards the school grounds. As they follow behind him, Emrys can't help but notice something, pulling out his book that Pyrrha recognized as his Utility spellbook.

Pyrrha: "*whispering* What're you doing?"

Emrys doesn't answer as his eyes glow a bright grey as he holds his hand out. Qrow stops as he notices he begins to shine a bright green. The other two watch as pulses of green flow through his body until it turns a yellow on a specific spot on his back and his heart.

Emrys: "Oh! Did you know you're cursed?"

Pyrrha: "Huh?!"

Qrow: "Excuse me, but what the hell is going on?"

Pyrrha: "Emrys, what was that?"

Emrys: "I couldn't help but spot it. He's got two curses on him, one is of Ill-fortune, and the other is transformation. I've found their contact points. If you want, I can remove them both."

Qrow: "First off, the Ill-Fortune is my semblance, and that's none of your damn business."

Emrys: "...No, no, it's not. Semblances are attributed to your aura and can't be detected. I quite clearly found that curse, and you never answered about the transformation curse. Do you want me to remove them? It shouldn't take more than a moment."

Pyrrha: "Might as well just let him help. I promise Mr. Qrow; he means no harm." Emrys holds his thumb up.

Qrow: "*sigh* Alright, but I die. I'm kicking your ass."

Emrys's book floats before him as he begins a small chant while holding out his hands. As he's casting the spell, Qrow starts to be surrounded by bright blue energy. It envelopes him and, after several seconds, dissipates, leaving Qrow unscathed.

Emrys: "Ah, there we are, good as new. Now, how about you try and transform? Hopefully, it worked with no adverse side effects."

Qrow closes his eyes as he tries to transform, an ability he all but mastered. But he couldn't. He couldn't transform into his avian form. Which also meant his bad luck had finally gone away.

Qrow: "Heh. *laughs* It worked! It worked, thanks, kid. Oz's gotta meet you. Here I'll take you two to him."

The three eventually make it to Beacon Academy. Now Pyrrha had already seen it, but she still couldn't help but take in the large structures and fine white marble aesthetic of it all. Making it to an elevator at the base of the largest tower. They ride it upward to the top. They exit into a large office with one window spanning the entire wall allowing anyone to look out over the school. The room seemed to be designed after a clock, gears moving throughout the ceiling and a low ticking noise. In the center of the room was a table with two people standing on one side. These two were Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch.

Qrow: "I found those two the Jaune kid was talking about."

Pyrrha noticed that Qrow's words seemed to pull Ozpin back to reality as he had been eyeing Excalibur.

Ozpin: "Thank you, Qrow. Now, I believe it's Mr. Pendragon and Ms. Nikos. Why don't you tell us what exactly happened?"

And so the two initiates would tell the three adults what they had gone through—meeting Jaune, fighting off the Deathstalker, and causing the cave-in, as well as exploring the cave and finding Excalibur. Pyrrha could tell that while Glynda didn't believe a word he said, Ozpin seemed to believe him and understand exactly what he was talking about. Pyrrha finally looked over to Emrys, and he had a face of confusion, and it suddenly changed to realization.

Emrys: "Oh! I get it now! You're the one that cursed Mr. Qrow." The room fell silent as Ozpin seemed to be both stunned and impressed.

Goodwitch: "How dare you assume something like that?!"

Ozpin: "Now, now, Glynda, I don't take offense. Well, it seems that much more needs to be discussed. But I would like to speak with Mr. Pendragon alone. Qrow, you may be excused and Ms. Goodwitch, please take Ms. Nikos to team JNR. I believe they require an extra member."

Qrow: "Don't need to tell me twice, see ya. Thanks for the help, kiddo." Waving as he left the room.

Goodwitch: "*sigh* Yes, sir. Right, this way, Ms. Nikos."

Pyrrha: "Good luck, Emrys. I hope we get to see each other again." Waving towards Emrys as she follows Ms. Goodwitch.

Emrys: "I have no doubt we will, Pyrrha. Take care." Waving as the door to the elevator closed.

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