Chapter 17: Dance Dance Incantation

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The annual Beacon dance was in full swing as the guest were beginning to arrive. Team RWBY had taken over for organizing the dance since the team before them, Team CFVY, had an emergency mission. Yang was managing the front entry, greeting those that arrived. Ruby was in charge of refreshments as her semblance made it easy to refill the several punch bowls. Weiss had been in charge of the decorations for the dance, while Blake hadn't been assigned a job for the dance due to her previous emotional state.

Most of the guests are on the dance floor enjoying the dance—most of the school staff act as both party guests and chaperones, mostly Glynda Goodwitch. Even the foreign students are enjoying the party. It could be inferred that Team RWBY succeeded in making the dance enjoyable for all.

At one of the tables that dot the room, Ren watches as Nora eats through an entire plate of food that seemed to tower over her comically. As Nora continues to eat, Ruby speeds up to their table.

Ruby: "Hey guys, what do you think of the dance? Did we do good or what?"

Ren: "You and your team did an excellent job Ruby, and believe me, Nora agrees as well." Nora throws a thumbs up from behind her tower of food.

Ruby: "Great, we really appreciate that. Wait? Where are Pyrrha and Emrys? I didn't see them here *gasp* don't tell me they aren't coming."

Nora: "Look!" Nora points towards the entrance to the dance hall.

Coming through the door are both Pyrrha and Emrys. Their outfits are extravagant and almost expertly designed. One could say their outfits are almost magical. Pyrrha's arm is wrapped around Emrys's as they walk into the dance hall, both of them drawing the eyes of nearly everyone they pass by.

 Pyrrha's arm is wrapped around Emrys's as they walk into the dance hall, both of them drawing the eyes of nearly everyone they pass by

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Yang: "*whistle* Damn Pyrrha, you might wanna hold onto Emrys there, or I might just steal him from you

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Yang: "*whistle* Damn Pyrrha, you might wanna hold onto Emrys there, or I might just steal him from you."

Emrys: "It's nice to see you as well, Yang." Ruby immediately rushed over as well as Weiss.

Ruby: "Oh my Oum, Pyrrha! You look fantastic!"

Weiss: "You have to teach me how you're able to get such fine clothing." Emrys was about to speak, but Pyrrha cut him off.

Pyrrha: "Unless your willing to learn a dead language, it'll be a mystery. But thank you for your compliments." Emrys smiling down at her.

Emrys: "Correct. Now I believe we'll be heading to our table?"

Ruby: "Oh! Yeah, here let me show you to your table. I made sure to save your team a table." Ruby leads them to their team's table, leaving Weiss and Yang at the entrance podium.

Yang: "Mhmm. I can see why you wanted to bang him so badly now, Weiss."

Weiss: "WHAT?!? I never said anything like that."

Yang: "Please. We all knew it."

Back with Pyrrha and Emrys, they were currently sitting at their table with Ren and Nora. Both of them complimented the two on their gorgeous outfits. The two also received compliments from the other students and even the staff. These constant compliments made Emrys feel a bit bad as he may have gone a bit too overboard on creating their attire. But Pyrrha assures him that the outfits are perfect and the others genuinely liked his designs, even if they didn't know how he made them.

Emrys: "How are you liking the dance so far? I think they did an excellent job."

Pyrrha: "Oh! Yes, it's quite lovely." Emrys could tell Pyrrha was distracted.

Emrys: "Pyrrha, are you alright?"

Pyrrha: "Yes, of course. Can talk...somewhere private?" Emrys nods as Pyrrha takes him by the hand and leads him outside to a small balcony.

The night sky shined with the light of the shattered moon, only contrasted by the millions upon millions of stars in the sky. Pyrrha stood leaning on the balcony guard overlooking the city of Vale, Emrys standing by her side, looking out with a sense of pride. Pyrrha couldn't understand why he was always so chipper and relaxed. In almost every situation, he seemed to bounce back or never lose his composure. A character trait she was pretty jealous of him for, among other things.

Emrys: "What did you want to speak with me about?"

Pyrrha: "Being here, at the dance, at almost feels overwhelming. Combined with my famous background, I feel in a constant state of suffocation. Like my every action, good or bad, will make a difference for every person in the world. Everywhere I go, people look at me and see "Pyrrha Nikos, The legendary Champion of Mistral, the Invincible Girl" and then...there's you. When we first met, you didn't even know my name. I don't think you realize how much of a shell shock that was for me. To meet someone who not only didn't know my name, but when I tell them who I am, they don't treat me with any preferential treatment. *sigh* I keep beating around the point, his silly of me, I'm sorry."

Emrys: "There's no need to apologize-" He's interrupted at Pyrrha gives him a loving hug.

Pyrrha: "Thank you...Thank you, Emrys. For making me feel human for the first time in a very long time." Emrys simply smiles as he gently wraps his arms around Pyrrha and returns her hug.

After several minutes that seemed to stretch on forever, the two separate. Much to Pyrrha's displeasure.

Emrys: "Now that we got all that taken care of, would you care for a dance, milady."

Pyrrha: "I don't think there's room for us to dance down there." Looking inside to see the dance floor packed with people.

Emrys: "Luckily, I planned for such a situation."

His eyes then glowed a bright red as the light from the moon seemed to shine brighter on a small circle between the two. And what appeared to be small, ethereal petals began to descend on the small circle. As Emrys takes Pyrrha's hand, the two enter the circle, and Pyrrha is surprised as she enters the circle and begins to hear music begin to play.

Pyrrha: "Emrys..this is-"

Emrys: "Hush...Now, we dance."

Emrys rest his hands just above her waist as Pyrrha snakes her arms around his neck and stares longingly into his eyes. The two then begin to dance with one another slowly. This night would be a night the two would never forget, even if it were for a short time.

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