Chapter 18: The First Mission

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Team PREN, consisting of Pyrrha as the team leader and Ren, Nora, and Emrys, is standing in a large crowd of other students. Currently, Ozpin is giving a speech about how on their missions, teamwork is critical as the first years are left to choose their first missions. Team PREN is waiting for Team RWBY to choose their mission.

Ren: "I wonder what mission we'll get?"

Nora: "I hope it's a super action-packed mission, filled with explosions and glory and mayhem."

Pyrrha: "How about we worry about getting our mission before we worry about what mission we have."

Emrys: "Wise words. It seems your taking your role as team leader quite comfortably; that's very good to see."

Pyrrha: "It kind of feels slightly forced, but a good leader has to make do."

Emrys: "Don't feel too down. You're were the obvious pick for the position. Be honored." His encouraging words put Pyrrha at ease, as they usually did.

Nora: "Aww, aren't you two cute together. Don't think I didn't notice your little dance together."

Emrys: "I have no clue what your referencing." Obviously lying as his cheeks flare-up.

Ren: "Alright, that's enough, Nora, it's our turn."

As he says, this Team RWBY walks by with their mission orders and their gear in tow.

Pyrrha: "Good luck with your mission."

Ruby: "You too. Have fun."

Making their way up to a projection board containing several missions to choose from. Some are simple such as supply drop missions or a village security objective. Some were locked off, such as search and destroy missions or missions that took place too far from the Academy. Pyrrha mulled over several of the missions. She wanted her team's first official mission to be one that they'll never forget but not too difficult for them. While she does have confidence that no matter how difficult the mission she chooses is, they'll be able to succeed. She needs to ensure that every one of them comes back alive and well.

Emrys: "We could do a survey mission. It says here that we'd be surveying a possible Grimm concentration."

Pyrrha: "But won't that be too dangerous?"

Qrow: "Sweetheart. Being a huntsman, in general, is dangerous. You just gotta go with the flow." The four turn around to see Qrow Branwen looking at the board with them. "But in my opinion, magic man here's got a good point. Surveys always turn into shit shows, so there's your action for you thrill-seeker."

Emrys: "Mr. Branwen! How have you been?"

Qrow: "Please. Just call me Qrow. I'm not that old yet. But to answer your question, I've been pretty good. Now, can you tell me where to find Team PREN? Apparently, I'm supposed to be their chaperone for their mission today."

Pyrrha: "That would be us."

Qrow: "Oh...I knew that. But back to your mission."

Nora: "So we're taking the survey mission."

Pyrrha: "It appears so, Nora." Signing their team to take the mission.

Nora: "Yay!! I hope it goes horribly wrong." Jumping in the air in excitement as she skips towards a nearby Bullhead.

Qrow: "Is she alright?"

Emrys: "That has yet to be seen." The rest of the board the Bullhead and begin their first mission together with Qrow.

While inside the ship, Nora couldn't help but look out the windows at the lush green forest. Ren was choosing now to take a quick nap as they'd be flying for quite a while. Pyrrha and Emrys, we're going over the mission briefing with Qrow. In the briefing, it details that the team would be surveying a long-abandoned railway station that was supposed to be an underground connection to Atlas from Vale.

Qrow: "So this place was originally a small island, but due to tectonic stuff and geography shit I ignored in school, it crashed into the mainland and pretty much lodged itself."

Emrys: "Impressive, do you think we might still experience the tectonic 'stuff' while we're there?"

Qrow: "Most likely not, but if there is, then it could mean there wouldn't be much Grimm as they tend to make nest underground as to hide them from us."

Pyrrha: "I'm more concerned about the supposed railway connector. It says here that it was constructed after the island lodged itself. If there are Grimm here, they could be using it to sneak past Atlas's outer defenses."

Emrys: "Agreed. I vote that before we begin the survey, we come up with a strategy to deal with the tunnel if need be."

Pyrrha: "That isn't necessarily our mission."

Qrow: "Look, Pyrrha. I get you're new to the whole 'leader' thing, but huntsmen and huntresses are the front lines against the Grimm, and we're hopelessly outnumbered. We have to take every advantage given to us, or we may never get it again. So if that means we break mission protocol to destroy a metaphorical Grimm highway, then we do it."

While he was stern, Qrow was right. Pyrrha is a leader now, which means she has a lot on her shoulders, but that doesn't mean she isn't still a huntress. And like the rest of her team, her objective is to protect the innocent from Grimm.

Pyrrha: "Your right. I apologize."

Qrow: "Hey. Don't be sorry, be better. Now, you two get some sleep. You're going to need it...Maybe."

The two nod as they take their seats across from one another and make themselves comfortable. Slowly drifting off to sleep, all Pyrrha could think about was how the mission would go, what to do if it went wrong, and finally the dance she shared with Emrys under the moonlit sky.

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