Chapter 22: The Fall Maiden

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The ride up the elevator to Ozpin's office was painfully silent. Emrys hadn't said a word the entire time they made their way to the headmaster's office. To say Pyrrha was uncomfortable would be an understatement. For as long as she'd known Emrys, she could be confident in saying he was never this quiet, especially with her around. He would always go on about what new research he was working on or a new potion or spell he found. But to have him be silent for this long worried her.

Entering into the office, she sees both Qrow and Ozpin in the room. Qrow is leaning on one of the columns in the outer ring of the room

Ozpin: "Miss Nikos, a pleasure to see you once again. Your match was most enjoyable to watch."

Qrow: "Heya, kid. Nice match. Creative and filled with surprises, my kind of fight."

Ozpin: "Anyway, I believe we have something to discuss, Miss Nikos. Emrys, Qrow, you may be excused."

Pyrrha looks towards Emrys, who was walking with Qrow to the elevator. When he looked at her, she could tell he was trying to hide a look of disappointment, but he smiled a kind smile. The same smile that always eased her nerves.

Emrys: "Don't worry, you'll do fine." Stepping into the elevator with Qrow.

As the elevator doors shut and the two begin to descend, Qrow takes out his flask and begins to drink from it. He stops and gives an annoyed groan as he puts the lid back on.

Qrow: "You know I don't like it when you mess with my drinks, kiddo. This time it was just out of spite, Root Beer, what do I look like a 10-year-old."

Emrys: "Considering that Ruby gets all of her childish behavior from you, I wouldn't be surprised. Besides, you know my feeling towards alcohol."

Qrow: "Yeah, but I'm following what you said. "It should only be drunk during a celebration." I'm celebrating; we're getting a new Maiden."

Emrys: "You don't know that."

Qrow: "Come on, she's a shoo-in for the position. What's your deal?"

Emrys: "I already expressed my opinions on the matter. If she was a "shoo-in," then why not bring her into the fold earlier? Ozpin only chose now because he wanted to see what she could do without my help. We all know she could've defeated Team BRNZ single handily."

The elevator stops as they both exit into Ozpin's secret vault containing the medical pod holding Amber. In the room already is both Ironwood and Goodwitch.

Ironwood: "Are they on their way?"

Qrow: "Nah. Oz's giving his "What's your favorite Fairy tale" speech."

Goodwitch: "Ugh, I hate that. Who starts a conversation with that?"

Qrow: "And to top it all off, Emrys is in one of his moods again-Ow!" An ethereal hand smacks him across the back of his head.

Emrys: "Quit it. They're on their way down now." The four turn to see the light above the elevator door dinging.

As the door opens into the vault, Pyrrha is shocked to see, Qrow, Goodwitch, Ironwood, and even Emrys. Was he a part of this secret group that protects the word, she thought.

Pyrrha: "Are they all-"

Ozpin: "Yes. Each of them has chosen to help protect Remnant through the shadows. But I urge you not to be upset with them; we've chosen to keep this group and its activities a secret as not to cause unnecessary problems."

Pyrrha: "...Ok. You said I was the next Maiden. What does that mean?"

Goodwitch: "A maidens power is never truly gone. Whenever one dies, either through age or other means, their power is transferred to another."

Qrow: "Originally, it was a young girl, chosen at random, but now...well, it might just be a bit easier."

Pyrrha: "Easier?"

Emrys: "A maiden can now choose where her power goes based on who her last memory was of. But it has to be a young girl, or the power will randomly choose as it normally does."

Pyrrha: "But..why now? Out of all the times, why now?"

Ironwood: "To be brunt, Miss Nikos. The world is teetering on full-blown mayhem. Grimm are becoming stronger, and people trust the security of their kingdoms less and less with each day. A maiden that has such a high standing can be a rallying call to the masses."

Ozpin: "But we can discuss this more when we know you are with us."

Finally, they approach Amber's pod. Pyrrha couldn't help but feel pity for Amber.

Ironwood: "This is Amber. She is or...was the Fall maiden, but something has happened to her. Something we didn't know could happen."

Emrys: "Her power has been siphoned. Split into two halves. One here, the other most likely with her assailant. The one who put her in this condition."

Pyrrha: "Can she be healed?"

Ozpin: "Unfortunately, no...believe me, we've tried everything. I was hoping Emrys would be the key to fixing this, but there are some lines he...refuses to cross." Pyrrha turned questioningly towards Emrys.

Emrys: "They wished for me to track the other half of her power. But to do so, I'd have to delve into her mind. A line you know I'll never matter what." Pyrrha nods in understanding.

Pyrrha: "So whatever this is. It doesn't look like a standard medical pod Atlas uses."

Ironwood: "Correct. Atlas has been researching a way to help...choose maidens. This machine allows us to decide where the maiden's power goes to and who receives it, in theory."

Pyrrha: "So that's what you meant by me being the next maiden. You want me to take the rest of Amber's power before she dies." Ozpin solemnly nods.

Qrow: "Look, this is your choice, but we don't have any other options...your our last shot."

Pyrrha stood there, and her mind raced with different thoughts. She didn't know what to do. She really wanted to help but was this the right way. Suppose she denied the request, then what would happen to Amber, but what would happen to her if she accepted. Pyrrha didn't know what to she asked the one person she could trust.

Pyrrha: "Emrys? You have always given me counsel when I needed it. You've always had my back every step of the way...What do I do?" Emrys could tell by how she said her words that she was scared.

Emrys: "Your right. I have always used my words to instill confidence and calm when you needed me to. So if it'll truly help, then I will try...If a Hero gains Power by sacrificing an innocent, are they truly a Hero?"

While his statement confused the others, Pyrrha could read as clear as the sky after a storm. She takes a deep breath as she turns towards Ozpin.

Pyrrha: "I'm sorry, Headmaster, but I can't accept your offer. I won't become the next Fall Maiden."

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