Chapter 6: Let The Training Arc Begin

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The days after their first day of school was filled with activity. Pyrrha spent most of her free time practicing with Excalibur. Most of the time, Emrys was overseeing, providing her mirage images of Grimm to fight. The Excalibur was difficult to use initially, as she had never trained to use a longsword two-handed. But as the days went on, she became more accustomed to wielding it. While during the regular school hours, Emrys would be sent on missions with Qrow. Emrys never explained what he did on those missions to the others. But every time he returned from his tasks, he would meet with Pyrrha and her team, to the point that he had almost become like a team member.

Pyrrha had never thought to ask about Emrys's goals for wanting to help her. He did initially tell her his reasons, but she knew there must be another reason that he wasn't telling her. But she couldn't focus on that right now. She had to continue training. At the current moment, she was up against a fake version of two Ursai. They acted just like the real things, but they weren't a match for her. Dodging a claw swipe, she performs an upward slash, slicing the mirage in two. Impaling the claw of the other mirage with Excalibur, it tries to swing her off, but she holds on tightly, allowing for the sword to slice open the hand. It roars in pain; it then tries to rush towards Pyrrha. She, however, performs an overhead slash; it strikes the ground and sends a wave of destructive force. The wave of energy clashes against the mirage, cutting it clean down the middle.

Emrys: "Outstanding, Pyrrha!! Excellent job! You're showing more and more proficiency with the blade every session. I believe we're done for today." He says as he makes his way down from the seats above the arena.

Pyrrha: "I feel like we've been training a lot lately, but it's proving to provide benefits."

Emrys: "Well, we need to make sure you are as proficient with Excalibur as you are with your regular weapons. And judging by what it has shown us so far, I have no doubt it is the real thing. Which means you are destined to be a hero."

Pyrrha: "But what if I don't want to be a hero?" Emrys was confused by this. "What I mean is...I never asked for any of this. I came here to get away from my past of being famous, and now you're telling me I have to be a hero. Why? Why me? I just wanted to be a normal girl, and I just want to help people." There was a silence between the two.

Emrys: "Pyrrha...I'm sorry. I didn't know you felt this way. I was so focused on The Excalibur and its potential for heroic greatness...that I didn't think about how you thought about any of this...I genuinely apologize. I shouldn't have made you feel this way. If you don't want to do this anymore, then I will respect your decision."

Pyrrha: "No! I know that this sword means I'll be some hero. But I don't care about the status. All I want to do is help people."

Emrys: "Then we can do that. No hero business, just using the sword to be a better huntsman."

Pyrrha: "Are you sure? I didn't want you to feel as though I'd let you down. It's okay if you don't want to do this anymore. I don't want to get in your way of being a huntsman."

Emrys: "Pyrrha, didn't be so foolish; I chose to help you out of my own volition. I worked my schedule around you and helping you master this blade, and I don't regret that choice."

Pyrrha didn't know what to say. Not only did Emrys respect her decision, but he still wanted to help her. She didn't know why and she planned on finding out.

Pyrrha: "Emrys? Why are you so adamant about helping me? I know we're friends, but this devotion to me...I don't know if I should be scared for it being a fanatical devotion."

Emrys: "Huh? No! What did you think my reasoning was?"

Pyrrha: "I thought you were interested in me like you know..."like-like" me?"

Emrys: "I mean, I do like you but not "like-like" you. I mean, do you "like-like" me?"

Pyrrha: "What?! No. I mean..your really nice and fun to be around, but I uh.."

Emrys: "Don't worry about it I won't push you about it if you don't want me to."

Pyrrha: "I..uh...okay. Thanks. Do you wanna continue with the training?"

Emrys: "How about we go enjoy the rest of our day, alright?" Pyrrha joyfully smiles.

Pyrrha: "Okay, let's go."

The two of them exit the arena and head to team JNPR's room. Upon entering the room, Nora tries to jump on Emrys but lands on the floor as he shifts his position to a couple of feet to the right.

Nora: "Dang it! I almost had you!"

Emrys: "You keep trying, but you won't succeed, Nora."

Ren: "Nora. Please leave Emrys alone. You keep trying, and he keeps teleporting out of your way."

Jaune: "Hey Pyrrha, hey Emrys. How was your training?"

Pyrrha: "Fantastic. We got a lot done."

Emrys: "Indeed. Pyrrha has and continues to show significant growth with Excalibur."

Jaune: "You think she's about the same level she was before with her old weapons?"

Pyrrha: "I don't think so yet, but I believe I'm close."

Emrys: "But you are close, so no need to slow down now. *whispering* And I'll be sure not to mention our talk."

Pyrrha: "*whispering* Thanks."

Jaune: "So, Pyrrha, what'd you learn?"

Nora: "Yeah! You learn any new kickass moves?"

Pyrrha: "I doubt they can compare to the things Emrys here can do. But if you must know."

Emrys creates a small mirage dummy in the center of the room. Pyrrha holds Excalibur in a battle stance. The blade begins to glow a bright blue. Then Pyrrha thrusts the sword forward, which shoots a burst of blue energy that obliterates the dummy.

Nora: "Woah, that's so cool!"

Jaune: "No kidding."

Ren: "Indeed."

Emrys: "I do think while the attack was powerful, we've only scratched the surface of what it may be capable of."

Pyrrha: "Right, and as you said, there's no point in slowing down now." Emrys looks over with a smile of pride.

Nora: "Aww, they're practically dating already."

Pyrrha: "What?! W-Were not dating! W-We aren't together like that!" Pyrrha's face becomes red as she hides behind her hands. Emrys only chuckles.

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