Chapter 24: The End of Everything Old

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Pyrrha and Emrys walk down the hallway; they walk with their fingers intertwined. Their cheeks still burned the same red as before when they kissed.

Emrys: "Is there anything you'd like to do?"

Pyrrha: "Nope. This is perfect enough. Thank you for being with me."

Emrys: "You're more than welcome. Shall we head back to the others?" Pyrrha nods.

The two head towards the exit of the Academy towards the stadium. Nearing the door, they hear the loud crowd of people.

Pyrrha: "It seems the festival is still underway. It looks like we didn't miss much."

Emrys: "Let's hope Nora hasn't done anything too outlandish." The two then stop as they hear the roar of Grimm.

The two rush out of the school. Reaching outside, they look up to see flying Grimm diving down and killing people. The Atlesian fleet that was supposed to protect the city we're currently not defending themselves as one of the ships is crash landing into the city. The Atlas androids brought with the fleet were presently attacking the huntsmen, trying to protect themselves and the people.

Emrys: "What's happening?! Why are the androids attacking the people?! We need to help!"

Pyrrha: "Let's find the others." Catching Excalibur as Emrys uses a spell to summon it for her.

The two then began to make their way through the hordes of both Grimm and hacked androids. Emrys focuses on casting spells to protect innocent people and to create armor for Pyrrha. Pyrrha is focusing on defeating both androids and Grimm. Excalibur cuts down with ease as it lights ablaze with divine power. Her most impressive feat was in the span of a short few seconds she defeated three Ursa with little effort.

Finally making their way to the stadium, Emrys and Pyrrha run-up to the entrance. Behind them, a small door floats with them. Emrys had created the door so that people they found could enter it, and it led to the docks of the city where people were being evacuated. Meeting with Weiss, Nora, and Ren, they help finish off a group of Beowolfs.

Pyrrha: "Thank goodness you are alright! What happened?"

Weiss: "The defense system went down, and the Atlesian Fleet deactivated their weaponry. As well as this horde of Grimm just appeared out of nowhere, and to top it all off, the Atlas androids have begun to attack people."

Emrys: "Wheres the rest of your team, Weiss?"

Nora: "Ruby went off to deal with getting the ships back online, and Yang and Blake went to look for you two."

Ren: "Where were you two?"

Emrys: "That doesn't matter right now. What matters is we get as many people to the docks for the evacuation. This door leads towards the docks."

Pyrrha: "Here, you take the door. Emrys and I will go and look for Yang and Blake. Nora, Ren, stay and help Weiss. We have to trust that Ruby can handle herself." Emrys passes the door off to Nora. She tries to carry it, but it fazes through her hands.

Nora: "Good luck, you lovers."

Pyrrha: "WHAT?!" Her cheeks flare a deep red as Emrys pulls her along.

Emrys: "No time to bicker, let's go."

The team split up, Emrys and Pyrrha head towards the school, and the other three head into the city to help evacuate more people.

As the two of them head into the school, they make their way through the rubble of the school. Eventually, they hear battle through the sound of the roaring flames. They then stop listening to what sounds like Yang scream out in pain. Rushing into the cafeteria, they both watch as Blake is hurled into a pillar. They also see Yang curled up on the ground missing her right arm. Standing in the center of the room is a large figure in a metal suit.

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