ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 2

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July 27th, 1938, 17:52 hour's

Dumbledore had just arrived at Wool's Orphanage where his next pawn lived. He already knew how to manage the useless mudblood Ms. Cole. Oh, how he was going to enjoy manipulating dear Tom, but little did he know he was in for a special treat.

When he entered the Orphanage, he made his way to Ms. Cole with his grandfatherly façade that he had mastered all those years ago. When the director of the old and awful Orphanage talked about Tom with fear and awe, he knew that his pawn had become exactly what he needed, and that his plans wore so far successful.

Afterwards Ms. Cole guided him to Tom's room, and just like expected nobody slept in the same floor as him because of the fear they had. When Tom talked to him as he was inferior, it made his bloody twinkly eyes vanish, but he quickly counted to three in his head and reminded himself that this was for The Greater Good, and that his pawn had become exactly what he needed.

Once he left and arrived at Hogwarts, he told his Boss, that the boy or as he personally called him freak, had accepted the invitation to the school. In his personal quarters he drank a fire whiskey to celebrate that so far, everything was going according to his plans. Or that's what he thought, because unknown to him Tom discovered something that will ruin him and all his plans greatly.

                                                                               ˜"*°•.˜"*°•  •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Once Dumbledore left Wool's Orphanage, Tom called his pet snake Nagini.

A few years ago, Ms. Cole had taken the kids to the zoo, and Tom had seen the snake and talked to it for a bit, once they were back at the Orphanage and he made it to his room, the snake slithered out of his backpack. It appeared that Nagini had taken a liking in him, so she had decided to come with him, which confused him, considering no one liked him.

Anyways, Nagini came out of her hiding spot in the bedroom and wrapped herself around Tom's body to warm up. Said boy started stoking his familiars' scales, while she let out a sound that sounded very much like a moan of pleasure. While Tom continued to pet Nagini, she told him that she didn't trust the old goat.

$Neither do I, Nagini. Neither do I.$ Tom replied in parsoltongue.

$Master, remember I told you that when you aged eleven-years-old, something important would happen, and I would tell you something you should know?"$ Nagini asked.

 $Yes Nagini, I remember."$ Tom confirmed.

Nagini proceeded to unwrap herself from her master and told him something that had him awake all night making and dissolving plans in his mind with the help of his trusted familiar.

                                                                         ˜"*°•.˜"*°• •°*"˜.•°*"˜

The next morning Tom and Nagini arrived at The Leaky Calderon; he was wearing his best clothes. Once they entered the bar, they found someone that made Nagini hiss in relief making Tom think that Nagini expected said person to be there. The bartender Tom guided them to the entrance of Diagon Alley.

Tom [ the kid], allowed himself to be and act like an excited child for a second before quickly recovering into his usual mask of indifference.

The first stop was Gringotts. Thanks to Nagini, Tom knew the correct way to greet the goblins, much to their surprise.

In a private office with a goblin, Tom requested an inheritance test which cost two galleons, and much to his shock and the goblins too, it had the following information:

Name: Tom Marvolo Riddle Gaunt

Birth date: December 31rst, 1926

Blood statues: Half-blood

Magical core: Dark-neutral

Creature inheritance: Vampire, basilisk [ Dom]

Familiar: Snake – Nagini.

Father: Tom Riddle Snr. [ Alive muggle born]

Mother: Merope Gaunt [ Deceased squib born]

Godparents: None

God siblings: None

Lord/Lady/Heir/Heiress to: Ancient and Noble House of Gaunt, Ancient and Noble House of Slytherin, Ancient and Noble House of Ravenclaw.

Magical Guardian: Albus Dumbledore [ Illegal]

Living arrangements: Wools Orphanage [ Illegal]

Injuries: Currently all healed [Not correctly]

Properties': Too many to list

Magical blocks: Block on Parsoltongue, Block on Parsoltongue Magic, Block on Wandless Magic, Block on Wordless Magic, Block on Natural Legilimency, Block on Natural Occlumency, etc. Keyed to Albus Dumbledore.

Compulsions: Hatred towards half-bloods and muggle-born, unable to talk about living matters, mistrust towards everyone, captivating charm, resentment towards parents, puppeteer potion, etc. Keyed to Albus Dumbledore.

Transactions: 1000 galleons monthly to Albus Dumbledore since January 1rst, 1927 from Gaunt and Slytherin vault.

Soulmate: –Artemis Potter Black Evans - Pureblood - Sex demon – Unborn [ Sub]

Prophesy's: One, under the name: THE LOVERS AND THE DARK LORD. Mentions yourself, your soulmate and Albus Dumbledore. Can access at the Hall of Prophesy's at The Ministry of Magic.

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