ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 45

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Morning arrived and half of the Gryffindor's and Slytherin's were in the DADA classroom waiting for Professor Lupin.

Chattering noises and laughter could be heard inside the classroom. When suddenly, the door opened with a loud bang and instead of Remus entering the room, it was Snape.

He strolled to the front with his robes flowing behind him while closing the window panels with his wand. He stood at the front, pulled down the projector screen and monotonously said:

"Turn to page..........318"

The students quickly got their books out and flipped through the pages to he assigned page. Professor Snape waited for them to finish when suddenly Ronald Weasley asked him a question.

"Where is Remus?" Artemis rose an eyebrow when the redhead called her godfather by his first name.

"It's not really your concern, Mr. Weasley, and it's Professor Lupin to you. Suffice to say that the professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Now turn to page 318!"

"Professor but......."

"5 point from Gryffindor. Keep it up and it'll be 10." Ronald earned glares from his housemates.


The days soon turned into weeks, and the weeks into months and suddenly it was Yule. Upon arriving to Riddle Manor, Artemis told her parents that she was going to take a long bath and perhaps a nap.

"Mistress, your bath is ready. You need something else?" Apple asked.

"No Apple, thank you." Artemis dismissed the elf and made her way to the bathroom.

Taking off her robe, Artemis got inside the tub, with a deep breath she allowed herself to relax. Granger and the two Weasleys had been particularly annoying the last few weeks, and she had been trying so hard to not snap and kill them in the spot. It was very hard, especially because Blaise, Pansy, and the twins always encouraged her.

Closing her eyes and throwing her head back, she inhaled the scent of lemon, she liked how it smelled. Ever since she was little, Artemis simply adored taking baths with the smell of lemon. Her mother often tried to get her to bath with other scents, but Artemis refused, crying when she noticed that what she smelt wasn't lemon but something else instead.

Artemis moved her hands to play with the bubbles, humming as she spread it across her legs, the smoothness of the bubbles on her skin was magnificent in her opinion.

Artemis let her mind wander to Marvolo, oh how she fantasized of having him touch her, on having him pleasure her and she him. She subconsciously started playing with her clit, moaning his name as she felt the familiar coil form inside of her.

Moving her little fingers faster, she allowed herself cum, legs shaking a bit, not noticing the man behind her, not until she felt someone kiss her on the neck.


Marvolo was studying some Wizengamot files, he was planning on officially claiming his seats after New Year's. Lucius had given him an update of what was going on, so that when he arrived, he wasn't completely lost.

"Idiots, all of them." Marvolo muttered furiously as he read the new law that they wanted to pass.

They wanted to force young girls to marry as soon as they turned seventeen to someone that the ministry chose. The man could do as they wished, but the women had to marry and have children under a year. If the man chosen for them, didn't want them, they went to a second option, if not a third, or a fourth, and that way until they were married and pregnant. All under a year.

Marvolo couldn't believe it, they were basically saying that women were only useful to breed the next generation of wizards and witches. It was the forties all over again, even then, some women had a choice to marry or not, and they could chose who to marry. That is why the courting process exists in the first place.

"Master Tom, Mistress Artemis has arrived and is in her room." Tillie informed Marvolo and left.

Sighing Marvolo left his papers aside and got up and going to greet his little moon. He wanted to hold her close to him, he had missed her presence around him. They had gotten closer this summer and Marvolo had been very disinclined to let her go to Hogwarts at all.

Upon reaching her bedroom he knocked on the door several times, but when there was no answer he entered, disappointed when he didn't see her around, he decided to check the bathroom just in case. Again, he was ignored when he knocked on the door, huffing he opened it anyways, desperate for the attention of his young lover.

And that's when he saw her inside the tub, her head thrown back, eyes closed, mouth slightly parted, moaning his name.

Not knowing what to do, he stayed still for a few moments. The logical part of his mind knew that he should probably leave, but the more impulsive one wanted to stay and watch as she pleasured herself.

Eventually he decided on the latter, Marvolo moved to kneel behind Artemis, watching her every expression, and hearing every one of her whimpers and moans.

Noticing how her legs shook under the water and bubbles, he knew that she had cummed, and chose to alert her of his presence with a kiss on her neck.

Marvolo smirked against her skin when she moaned at the sudden action. "Hello little moon."

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now