ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3

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To say that Tom was surprised and angry at the same time by the results was an understatement. He had always thought that he was nothing but a simple orphan with nothing but the poor and old hand-me-down things from the other kids at that disgusting orphanage.

Tom was so lost in thought that when the goblin spoke up, that he was startled:

"Heir Gaunt, Slytherin and Ravenclaw. Would you like to remove the blocks?"

"Yes. I would also like all the money back along with my heir rings." Tom replied furiously. His magic was getting out of control, suffocating the goblins and Nagini, destroying some of the items in the room too.

$Master, please calm down, your magic is becoming uncontrollable. $ Nagini hissed in a pleading tone as she tried to use the familiar bond to calm him.

Tom slowly did as his familiar requested. The removal of the blocks and compulsions was something extremely painful. Tom had never experienced such pain. If felt like every single one of his bones was being broken at once, like he was being burned without a single bit of mercy. It was worse than the pain of purification rituals that the matrons conducted on him, on a regular basis. And the confinements that were previously placed on him were of no help to ease the pain.

During the removal of blocks and compulsions, he could only hope that his soulmate wouldn't have to endure such pain. He wouldn't let it happen.

Afterwards, they gave him his rings, Tom would not show it in his face, but he loved how they looked on his hands.

The goblin who managed his accounts apologized for the inconvenience, he believed that Tom was aware of all the information regarding his accounts, after all every time Dumbledore went to his vault he had the key to it, and a written consent.

Later, Tom asked if someone else could read his test and the goblins answered:

"Unless you personally come and allow it, then no."

They gave him the necessary books of pureblood customs, laws, traditions, basics of magic [ transfiguration, charms, potions, etc] and creature inheritances. They also gave him a communication box, credit cards that worked in both the magical and muggle realm and a practice wand that has been used by members of his family before getting their own. With a fee of course, they were still goblins after all.

Provided him folders with all the information about his accounts and family lawyers.

Tom also requested a change of name, so by the end of the reunion his name was: Marvolo Reginald Slytherin Ravenclaw Gaunt.

Since Marvolo/Tom discovered that his father Tom Riddle Snr. was alive and didn't look for him in that orphanage, he wanted nothing to do with him, even if it was only a name. Besides the name Tom has always made him feel inferior to others as it was quite common for his taste, he hated it.

The goblin nation was going to make sure that by the time he is at the train express to Hogwarts, every single document with his earlier name was changed into the new one.

He also could go and live in one of his many properties by the end of the year, which had him hoping that the time would pass fast so he could finally leave the orphanage.

Marvolo was glad that every single goblin was so willing and overjoyed to help him get rid of Albus too many names Dumbledore, doesn't matter how long it takes.

Albus Dumbledore better watch out, because Marvolo was coming at him with everything he's got.

˜"*°•.˜"*°• •°*"˜.•°*"˜

When Marvolo was done at Gringotts, he decided that he would only buy his own wand, he wouldn't be able to use it yet, because it would have a tracer on it, but at least he wouldn't have to worry about that later, and new wardrobe. He would come back for the rest after reading all the books given by his bank account manager.

His wand was thirteen½" long, crafted from yew, and affixed with a phoenix feather core. He absolutely adored his wand. The wand costed six galleons.

His robes were dark blue, green, gray, black, and silver. They took three hours to make. They were made for them to grow as he did. At the end he paid three hundred galleons for his new robes and left Diagon Alley.

He went to the Muggle Shops and bought a new muggle wardrobe and toiletries' too, just in case.

He went to the Muggle Shops and bought a new muggle wardrobe and toiletries' too, just in case

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[The first wand is the one that appears on google, but I didn't like it much I chose a second wand

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[The first wand is the one that appears on google, but I didn't like it much I chose a second wand.]

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now