ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 12

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As the years passed, a lot of things had happened.

Albus had tried putting Sirius in Azkaban for selling the Potter out, but James had gotten him a trial, where it was proved that Peter was the secret keeper. Sadly, he hadn't been captured yet.

 Unfortunately, Albus had managed to put a bunch of Death Eaters in a cell, some of the captured were Bellatrix, Jace, Evan, Barty Jr, the Lestrange brothers and a few others. Sadly, Jace and Evan died after four years. They had already been weak, going on raids constantly, captured before healing, they honestly lived longer than anyone would've expected.

Marlene had been killed in an Order attack, she had been shopping in diagon alley for a dress for some date she had, when a random Order member directed the killing curse at her causing her to meet her ultimate demise.

Walgabura died of Dragon Pox. Not that anyone cared. She truly was insane, and insufferable.

Alice and Frank were kidnapped and tortured for hours, the damage was terrible, luckily the healers said that they could recover with time. There would be days when all they would do is remember the torture, and other times not at all. But with time they would be completely okay.

The adults decided not to put Dumbledore in Azkaban. Yet. Since they had the feeling that Marvolo would want his own revenge against him. Though they had been gathering information on him, so that when their lord was back, they would be prepared to have Dumbledore finally fall from the top of Britain.

Speaking about Marvolo, they had not been able to use his creature inheritance to bring him back to life, so they would use an horcrux, but to do so they needed some more time. Well, that was until they discovered that.............

                                                                        ˜"*°•.˜"*°•  •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Artemis had grown into a beautiful girl who saw the good in people, yet you could see that she had James's ability for Mischief. One time she had done a prank on Lucius, she had turned his hair neon red, stating that it wounded their Slytherin ego.

Another time she had accidentally burned the kitchen while playing with Nymphadora's wand, and said: "I don't find trouble, trouble finds me" with an innocent smile that they would have believed if she weren't James's daughter.

Draco had grown to become a smart kid but liked getting people he didn't like in trouble.

Neville, he was very forgetful, but had a truly kind soul.

                                                                             ˜"*°•.˜"*°• •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Meanwhile with Molly Weasley, she had woken up incredibly early one morning to talk with Ginny and Ronald.

"What do you want?" A frustrated Ronald asked. He didn't like being woken up so early, and to make matters worse, breakfast wasn't even ready.

"This year Ron will be going to Hogwarts; we need you to befriend the Potter girl." Molly spoke.

"What, why?" Ron groaned in annoyance.

"Because that way you can marry her and take away everything of hers." Molly explained at her son
"Why am I here mommy?" Ginny asked.

"Because if for some reason the girl turns out to be into girls, you need to do the same."

"Ew, no. That's disgusting. I will not date the freak." The young Weasley wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"You will do as told Ginny, it's not up for discussion. Do I make myself clear?" Molly talked to her sternly.

"Yes mother." Ginny lowered her head.

"Good, now return to your rooms before your siblings' come down."

The three of them continued with their day as normal as possible. Unknown to them, two little devils had heard about their plans.

 Unknown to them, two little devils had heard about their plans

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