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"Ok family let's leave Marvolo and Arty so that they can use the portkey, she's about to begin her transformation." Narcissa ordered.

"No, I refuse to have my daughter all alone with a man......" James stated.

"Yeah, I agree with James 100%. She's not staying locked with him, in who knows where, and I don't care if he's her soulmate or not I'm not leaving............." Sirius added.

"Both of you enough, leave now." Lily reprimanded as she pushed James out, Remus doing the same with Sirius despite their protest.

Once everyone except Artemis and Marvolo had left, the lovers used the portkey.


Artemis started changing, not physically but mentally and emotionally, she felt the need to be touched by her mate – more than usual. Artemis fell to her knees and started to crawl towards Marvolo.

"Tommy......... "She whined.

"Yes, little moon?" He asked as he petted her head softly, he needed to have her ask for him, he wouldn't touch her if she didn't ask for it. Marvolo wanted Artemis to be sure, to be completely aware of what she was doing. He needed her to give him vocal permission, so that she understood what she was asking for.


"Please what?"

"Touch me, plea- please, I- I need it so much."

"Are you sure?"

"Please Tommy." She continued to beg.

As Artemis continued to ask for his touch, Marvolo felt possessiveness run through his veins and he could help but order her to:

"Call me Master."


He grabbed her by the chin and forced her to look at him and repeated his order causing her to whimper but obligate, nonetheless.

"Please touch me, Master."

"Good girl." Marvolo praised her with a satisfied smirk.

"Master......" Artemis whined.

"Get up little one." Marvolo ordered and she obeyed. He started to undress her carefully, kissing every part of her, and then he undressed too.

"Merlin you're gorgeous Artemis." He murmured. "Are you sure about this little one?"

"Yes Master."

He kissed her natural pink lips, even though he was a dominate and possessive mate, who wanted nothing more than to throw her on the bed and fuck her senseless until she couldn't take more, he wouldn't dare hurt her in any way possible, at least not on purpose, so he moved slowly, holding her waist softly, leaving enough space in case she wanted to move away from him.

Once some time had passed, he moved his pale lips to her neck, leaving hickeys across it as she moaned and gripped his hair, pushing his head against her neck causing Marvolo to bite into her skin.

"Lay on the bed." Marvolo ordered when he separated from Artemis, she immediately obligated. Marvolo slowly got on top of her, kissing, licking, and sucking her stomach.

"Tommy." Artemis moaned under him, and he smirked into her skin.

"Yes, little one?"

"Mo- more plea- please." She requested, he stopped and went upwards, towering her completely.

"Where do you want me to touch you?"

"Here?" As he played with her tits, grinning when she nodded eagerly. Marvolo lowered himself a bit to play with her nipples until they hardened.

"Oh Tommy, it feels so good." Artemis moaned, her hands clenching on the sheets.

His hand slowly started to touch her thighs, caressing them until he reached her clit, and she gasped, her closed eyes, opened wide at his touch. Afterwards he went upwards once more and asked if she was ok with him touching her.

"Yes Tommy" Artemis answered but when she saw that he still was worried, she grabbed him by the neck and pushed him against her to kiss him softly.

Marvolo repositioned himself and sat at the edge of the bed to touch her clit and started to finger her, loving the way she arched her back, the way she clenched, the way she bucked her hips against his hand, the way she sounded, the way her eyes rolled back. He loved everything.

After a few minutes he added another finger, then a third, grinning when she cummed for him.

"Tommy......." She panted as she rode out her high.

"You liked that?"

"Yes Tommy."

"That's not my name little one." He reprimanded.

"I'm sorry Master." She whimpered when Marvolo removed his fingers from inside her.

"Good girl." He praised her as he positioned the tip of his cock into her entrance, and casted the charm to prevent her from getting pregnant.

"Do you want this Artemis?" Marvolo questioned.

"Yes Master." She moaned when he entered her little by little, once he entered her completely, he waited until she adjusted to his size. When she nodded, he laid down a bit using one arm to hold his weight and the other to wrap it around her waist.

"You're so tight little one." Marvolo groaned as he started to thrust in and out.

"Oh Master, fast- faster please." Artemis moaned into his neck as she moved her hips to meet every one of his thrusts.

"Feels so good." She couldn't help but blurt out when her mate raced up considerably.

"Your close." Marvolo told her.

"I need to......."

"Hold it." He ordered.

Artemis's eyes rolled back as she tried to contain herself and obey. She didn't know how much longer she could wait. To distract herself, she started to scratch Marvolo's back with her nails.

"Please I can't, please Master." He could feel himself getting close when his mate begged for release, and as her nails digged deep into his flesh he became sloppy, it turned him on considerably.

"Cum." Marvolo ordered.

When Artemis let herself cum, her back arched, her eyes rolled back, her hold on his back became stronger, her hips bucked as she rode out her high. Marvolo considered this to be sight he would kill for, especially when she screamed his name.

Marvolo let himself cum shortly after Artemis did, after ridding his high, he carefully removed himself from inside his mate's pussy and laid beside her, hugging her by the waist, to keep her close to him.

"I'm tired." His little moon complained while she cuddled beside him.

"Rest little one, I'll take care of you." Marvolo chuckled as she began to close her eyes.

"Love you."

"I love you too, Artemis."

And that was how Artemis and Marvolo finally got mated in the eyes of Lady Magic, who would forever be grateful to them because they saved her.

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now