ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 18

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All the students are in the Great Hall doing their homework, when suddenly there's an explosion, upon looking up they all see a Gryffindor with ash on his face.

"What is he trying to do anyways?" Pansy asked.

"Turn the water into rum. Actually, managed a weak tea yesterday before it exploded like today." Blaise explained.

"Ah mail's here!" The shout of Ronald Weasley is here around the Great Hall. Thousands of owls entered the room, to deliver letters and packages to the students.

"Thank you, Hedwig." Artemis received a letter and a small box from her owl.

"Who wrote?" Draco asked as he opened his own letter.

"Mother and the Marauders."

Sweetie, we are very proud of you for getting into Slytherin. And very pleased about the fact that both Weasley and Granger haven't bothered you much, because yes, it's bound to happen someday, but for now have fun and study hard.

Severus says that you have been doing well in his class, keep it that way, you know very well that he will call you out if he thinks you're slacking.

Love your mother and Uncle Remus / Moony.

Princess your father Padfoot and I – Prongs – are warning you if you don't pull at least one prank before Yule, consider yourself disowned, ow, your mother and uncle smacked us both on the head.

Any who, annoy Minnie for us, cause some mischief and have the time of your life, you only live once darling have fun and be careful.

Before we say our goodbyes, one more thing:


Love your fathers.

Artemis rolled her eyes fondly at her fathers and opened the small box with smile.

"What did they give to you?" Daphne asked.

"They gave me a new ring. Isn't pretty?"

 Isn't pretty?"

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"Beautiful. Is that a black heirloom?" Neville who had made his way to the Slytherin table while Artemis read her letter asked.

"I think so." She replied while putting it on her left hand.

"It looks beautiful on you." Theodore kissed her hand, making her blush.

"Aw, aren't you a good pair, lovebirds." Blaise teased.

"They aren't dating." Draco growled.

"Sure." Pansy sarcastically spoke with a smirk.

"This is uncomfortable." Neville stated.

"Well, I'm done with my homework, so I'm going to have a walk. See you later." Artemis packed her things and turned to leave, but as she did, she overheard Weasley and Granger talk:

"Believed to be the work of unknown dark wizards and witches, Gringotts Goblins, while acknowledging the breath, insist that nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had been emptied earlier that day. "

"Curious." Artemis whispered, curiosity appeared in her eyes, making McGonagall who was close pray to keep her sanity after whatever the girl was planning.

Marvolo on the other hand couldn't help but smirk at his little moon, looking forward to what she was going to do. And Severus with Regulus groaned into their hands praying for the school to keep standing afterwards.

Dumbledore on the other hand regained the twinkle in his eyes. 'Yes, my girl, go on and explore,' he thought.

Hi guys, so I was wondering if I should make everyone have a soulmate or if it should be something special that only happens every once in a while, what do you think?

Love Georgina Garcia.

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now