ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 52

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Upon reading the test Marvolo's magic lashed out, again. But this time it wasn't like before, no. This time it was more powerful, so dark, so suffocating, yet seductive. The adults were brought to their knees whilst Artemis who was almost asleep, let out a moan in his ear. His magic pleased her, she could feel it everywhere, on her body, on her magic, on her very soul, oh that wished to bond with him.

$Master$ Artemis moaned again, her body shivering with pleasure.

$I'll kill them, is that clear, slut? $ Marvolo's hold on her petite body was strong, Artemis was sure that she would have bruises later, but at the moment she didn't care. $I said is that clear? $

$Yes master$ 'You really aren't helping me with my urges.' Artemis thought.

After a few minutes Marvolo got his magic in control again, much to the adults relief, and the young girl's frustration. "Apologizes." Marvolo muttered.

"It's alright, Mr.............." Amelia trailed off, realizing she that didn't know the man.

"Lord actually, Lord Marvolo Slytherin, mate of Heiress Potter – Black." Marvolo informed the witch.

"Well met, Lord Slytherin."

"Likewise." Marvolo replied as he accommodated Artemis on his lap, feeling his pants wet with her arousal, he raised an eyebrow, causing her to blush. 'Huh, so it seems that she's attracted to my magic itself, what about my looks? I'll put that to the test later.' Marvolo thought with an internal smirk.

"So, how are we going to deal with the situation?" James asked.

"Lord Potter, I would recommend that your daughter does not return to Hogwarts until this is dealt with, it's obvious that this people mean her harm." Amelia suggested.

"And what about her education?" Lily asked. Sure she agreed that it wasn't safe, but Artemis's studies were also important.

"I will talk with the professors, they are bound to give her an absence assistance because of this, but seeing as this is a legal matter, her education will be self – study for the moment, but only until she is safe." Amelia told the mother.

"Severus, Minerva, and I will send it personally to you three, and you shall give it to Artemis." Regulus told the parents.

Sirius, James, and Lily nodded, finding this solution fine for the moment.

"If that's all, I'll take Artemis home, she has fallen asleep." Marvolo stood up, with Artemis in his arms.

"Of course, Lord Slytherin."

"We'll go with you. Amelia, please inform us of anything." James requested as he stood up.


"What're you going to do about Dumbledore?" Artemis asked as Marvolo carried her inside the house.

"What makes you think he's going to do something, sweetie?" Lily asked curiously. Even if she was ready to demand they did something, she wasn't to see what her daughter thought.

"He has no self – control when it comes to revenge." Artemis replied rather concerned as if wondering if he knew when to stop. 'He doesn't.' Artemis concluded.

"You'll see tomorrow morning." Marvolo told his little mate and carried her to his bedroom, wanting to take care of her.


Daily Prophet:

Albus Dumbledore's word in not law.

Minster Cornelius Fudge says that the man must pay for his actions, just like any Britain citizen.

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now