ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 20

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As the weeks passed, Neville introduced Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot to the friend group, most of the afternoon they could be found in the library together or in the quidditch pitch. It was obvious that both girls had been reluctant to meet the group with their parents being known death eaters and all, but to their surprise they were nothing like the light side had led them all to believe.

One evening as Artemis walked down a corridor, a DADA book in hand, someone snatched the book from her hands, making her immediately kick the person, to which they groaned in pain.

"Oh, that hurts........."

"Oh merlin, I'm sorry, but you scared me." Artemis weakly excused herself.

"Don't worry, I probably shouldn't have done that, considering your reputation with Ronald Weasley." During the last few weeks, the redhead had taken a personal liking to the girl, always trying to catch her alone and kiss her, or touch her. She had a few detentions because of it, since Dumbledore always found an excuse for the boy, which led him to try and do it again.

Ron Weasley had already visited the infirmary at least ten times, he should probably stop, but he was way too stubborn for that.

"Sorry again." Artemis blushed in embarrassment.

"It ok. I'm Cedric Diggory"

"Artemis Potter - Black."

"Yeah, I know, I mean everyone does, you're famous after all, and pretty......."

"Thank you, but you're rambling." Artemis cut him off, before he embarrassed himself.

"Oh, yeah I um, well I just wanted to warn you about something I heard."

"What did you hear?"

"I heard Granger and Weasley talk about taking you to the forbidden corridor and leaving you there, that it was your duty to protect them, or something like that. I um............sorry but's that all I heard, thought you should know. Now that I think about it, it's probably not very useful." Cedric passed a hand through his hair nervously.

"No - no, it's very useful, honestly. At least I know to be more careful. I was actually getting a bit worried since they haven't talked to me in a week or so. Now, I know why, so thank you Cedric."

"You're welcome I guess."

"Well, is there something else?" Artemis questioned.

"No, not really."
"Well, in that case I should go, dinner is about to start."

"Allow me to escort you, please."
"No, don't worry, I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"Nonsense. Besides, we're going to the same place, and I wouldn't want Granger and Weasley to use this moment to get to you since everyone is already at the Great Hall." The Hufflepuff insisted.

"In that case, I would love for you to be my escort Mr. Diggory."

"Perfect Ms. Potter – Black, because I would love to escort you to your next meal in this castle." Cedric bowed dramatically, making Artemis to giggle as she curtsied and took his offered arm.

While they walked to the Great Hall, they made polite conversation, enough to know each other, but not enough to intrude. Upon arriving and entering the Great Hall, Artemis curtsied, and Cedric kissed her hand.

"A pleasure to escort you this evening Ms. Potter – Black."

"Nonsense Mr. Diggory, the pleasure was all mine, I assure you."

"Perhaps we'll have to repeat the walk, in order to know who has the bigger pleasure with the company of the other." Cedric winked at her, and she blushed slightly.

"Perhaps, we should. See you around, Cedric."
"See you around Artemis." The Hufflepuff said his goodbye as the Slytherin kissed his cheek softly and walked away, only then realizing the attention they had received.

"What were you doing with Diggory?!" Draco asked scandalized.

"Later brother." Artemis replied whilst glancing towards the Gryffindor table, to which the group nodded.

Artemis started to eat from the plate Susan had passed her and didn't notice the glare Marvolo/Quirrell was giving her and Cedric, mostly Cedric.

'Oh, my little moon, soon enough you'll learn that you're mine and mine only.' Marvolo thought.

' Marvolo thought

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