ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 37

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Marvolo was working on his desk, when he decided to stop for the day and go check on his little moon, since they didn't have dinner together, he had been busy, and she had been in a floo - call with her friends.

Upon arriving to her door, he heard some music, he curiously lift his hand to knock on the door, until he heard her moan loudly. His eyes went wide, he hadn't expected to hear her in this situation when he came upstairs.

Marvolo swallowed and turned around to leave when the music stopped, he heard her start to move, and assumed that she had finished. So, he turned around again, took a deep breath, and knocked on her door.

"Coming." Marvolo heard her tired voice. "Tommy, hi. What are you doing here?" She questioned after opening the door.

"I came to check on you. Since I haven't seen you in a while." He swallowed and struggled to ignore the tightness in his pants.

"Oh, I'm fine, just a bit tired." Artemis gave him a small smile, resting her head on the door frame. "Something else?"

"No, little moon, that's all, I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed her lips gently, forcing himself to ignore how she panted when he pulled way.

"Good night."

"Good night, Artemis." Marvolo waited for her to close the door and walked to his room to deal with his little problem.


July 29th, 1993.

"Artemis, sweetie."

"Yes mother?"

"We want you to be careful at school, ok? Peter was spotted near Hogsmeade, we don't want you getting hurt." Lily told her daughter as she did her hair.

"I know mum." After a few minutes she asked or rather stated. "You're not going to sign my permission slip, aren't you?"

" I'm sorry sweetie, but we don't want to take any risks."

"I know mum. Just kind of disappointed."

"Next year sweetie."

"Ok." Artemis sighed, she had really wanted to go to the village with her friends, they had been talking about it most of the summer, but then the rat was seen and ruined their plans. Some of her friends had offered to stay with her in the castle, but Artemis had insisted they go without her, much to the groups displeasure.

"There, you look perfect."

"Thanks mum." Artemis looked at herself in front of the mirror.

" Artemis looked at herself in front of the mirror

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"No need sweetie. Come on now, the boys of this family must be hungry." Both Lily and Artemis laughed softly as they left Artemis's room.

"Mum, I was wondering if I could re – decorate my room."
"If that's what you want, ok then."

"Thanks mum, I'll look at things on the weekly magazine." They descended the stairs and walked to the dining room.

"Finally, you're here. I'm starving." Sirius whined.

"Like always." Remus grumbled. It was true though, Sirius loved eating, and since he didn't get fat, he ate a lot, sometimes ending in a food coma, much to Remus's displeasure considering he had to deal with him later on.

"Prongs, look Moony is defaming me." Sirius gave the other man puppy eyes, tearing them a bit to make it more dramatic.

"Moony how could you? Look, now Sirius is dying of depression." James joked.

'Why do I keep them around?' Marvolo wondered. He glanced at Artemis. 'That's why.'

"Idiots, all of them." Lily said as she sat down beside her husband. Wondering why she married James in the first place. 'I had to be under a love potion.'

Artemis sat across Marvolo, who was at the head of the table because he was the owner of the Manor, and blushed faintly when he nodded in approval.

"So, what are we having for breakfast, my dear family?" Sirius asked with a cheeky grin.

"A traditional Italian breakfast, master Sirius." Bubbles the elf in charge of the kitchen let the man know.

"Thank you, Bubbles." Sirius replied in a faux pureblood tone, causing Remus to facepalm at his husband.

" Sirius replied in a faux pureblood tone, causing Remus to facepalm at his husband

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[ Maritozzi]

"What are you doing today?" Lily asked the men.

"Preparing everything for the school year." Dumbledore had hired Remus to be the DADA teacher, to get him under his thumb Marvolo supposed. Not that he wasn't good, but why would Albus want a death eater in the school if it wasn't to get information.

"Sirius and I had been called my Amelia to help with the rat situation." James replied after he swallowed.

"I'm going to deal with some paperwork, considering that this year we're starting with ruining Dumbledore's reputation." Marvolo told them.

"Sorry for interrupting, but Misses Artemis received a letter." Apple let the group know.

"Thanks Apple." Artemis opened the letter and read it quickly.

"What does it say?" Sirius asked.

"Blaise is asking when can go dress shopping for my birthday." Artemis told them as she closed the letter.

"If you wish you can go today." Lily suggested. "Just be careful sweetie." Artemis nodded.

"I'll take an emergency portkey with me." Artemis assured her mother.

"We'll drop her off, ok lily – flower." James told his wife, referring to him and Sirius.

"Ok, just be careful, I don't want Peter seeing you there."

"I promise I'll be careful mum." Artemis told her, not noticing how Marvolo looked at her deep in thought. 

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now