ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 47

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"I can't believe that you and Marvolo took a bath together." Pansy exclaimed excited.

"With bathing suits on." Hannah remined the Slytherin.


"How do you even find out about these types of things? I don't tell any of you." Artemis asked with disbelief.

"I have a few tricks up my sleeve." Pansy told her, proudly.

"We." Blaise reminded her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Pansy rolled her eyes. "Anyways, tell us the details." She pleaded Artemis.

"Nothing happened, ok? It was his birthday, I woke him up, we took a bath, and that's it."

"No kisses?" Cho asked, looking disappointed.

Artemis stayed silent.

"Oh, my merlin, did you make out?" Theodore asked, seeming amused at the whole interaction.

"No! We just kissed a few times, but we did not make out."

Before anyone else could talk about her or Marvolo, Artemis jumped out of the carriage, and ran toward the entrance of the castle. Leaving her friends to laugh at her.


Artemis was walking down the corridors, she was making her ways towards her Ancient Runes class when Granger and the female Weasley stopped her. "What do you want this time?" The little demon asked already bored.

"This is your fault." Granger sneered with the ginger nodding along.

"What's my fault?" Artemis didn't really care but she knew that ignoring them would only make them bother her more.

"Pettigrew." Ginevra replied.

"Here we go again." Artemis muttered.

"Don't act all innocent, it's your fault he broke into our tower."

"No, it isn't. I didn't go to him and tell him to this or do that. Now, if you excuse me, I have classes." Artemis attempted to walk past the Gryffindors only for Granger to try and jerk her back and shout in pain.

The crowed that they had gathered gasped as they saw the third year Gryffindor have her skin start to fall. "Look what you did to me."

Artemis opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by the ginger slapping her across the face and her ending like her friend.


"What on earth is happening here?" Professor Sinistra questioned as she arrived with a first year trailing behind, it was obvious that the little student had gone looking for her.

"She did this to us!" Granger shrieked, gesturing to her fallen skin.

"Ms. Potter – Black?"

"They started bothering me, professor. My bracelet reacts against harmful touches, thus this is their own fault. They tried to her me, and my protection jewelry reacted." The Slytherin explained calmly, she had nothing to hid.

"That's not true." The ginger glared at Artemis.

"Liar!" A Ravenclaw who was standing in the crowd shouted followed by a few others.

"I can give you my memories, professor." Artemis offered, once again demonstrating she was telling the truth.

"There's no need Ms. Potter – Black, you have a staller reputation in this school and have never gotten into a fight on purpose, besides the fact that you're willing to give your memories proves that you're being honest." Professor then turned to the two Gryffindor. "You two one the other hand, will be receiving a weeks' worth detention and forty points from your house for attacking a student."

"Professor!" Grangers protest was cut short.

"No, Ms. Granger, you have been warned several times to not bother your fellow classmates. Now hurry on everyone, you have classes to deal with."

The students emptied the hall as ordered.

"We'll get you back for this." Ginevra sneered.

"I'd like to see you try." Artemis showed herself without fear.


The months slowly passed and soon it was June, in a few days they would be starting their vacation and unfortunately the aurors still hadn't captured Peter, which worried the Potters very much, especially since he already entered the castle once.

One afternoon Artemis was on her way back to the common room when Draco approached her out of breath. "Draco, what happened?" She questioned as she tried to calm him down.

"Pettigrew was captured." He told her.

"What? How?" Artemis was absolutely surprised, she hadn't expected that news.

"He thought that you would be in Hogsmeade with the rest of us and attacked. When your dad [James] who was on patrol this week captured him."

"Are you ok? What about the rest?" Artemis asked as she inspected him for injuries.

"We're fine Arty." Draco hugged her.


"Come on, the rest wants you to join for dinner tonight." Draco didn't give her the chance to decline or refuse.


After the last feast Dumbledore demanded to see Ginevra, Ronald, and Hermione in his office, where a small meeting occurred.

"Professor Dumbledore, we really are trying to befriend the slimy snake." Ronald Weasley cried out.

"Please professor you have to help us." Ginny begged.

"You three are completely useless. You only had one job, befriend Potter."

"We can put compulsions on her professor, we really tried everything we could." Hermione told the man.

"We will do that, but if you fail again, you will be punished, it that clear?" Albus sneered at the three Gryffindors.

"Of course." They replied in unison.

"We will start next year seeing that in a few days this one is over." The three Gryffindors exchanged scared looks before nodding.

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now