ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 41

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Soon enough it was the next day, much to the displeasure of the lovers. Artemis got ready rather quickly and so did Marvolo, they had gotten up early in order to spend as much as possible together.

"I don't want to go." Artemis complained again while Marvolo played her hair, which relaxed her greatly.

"Why not?" Marvolo questioned the little demon.

"I don't want to deal Granger and her sidekicks." She threw her head back in frustration.

"I don't want you with them either, but we can't do anything for now and you know it." Marvolo reminded her, tugging on her hair a bit hard, enjoying how she whimpered.

"Stop it."

"Stop what?" Marvolo gave her faux innocent expression.

"Marvolo........." She glared warningly but it had no effect on him. "Please." She begged when he continued.

"But I'm not doing anything, you shouldn't accuse people of things they don't do, little moon." He shook his head in false disappointment.

"I hate you." Artemis yelped and bounced on Marvolo's lap when he tugged her head backward, exposing her neck.

"So pretty." He traced her neck with his finger, finding her pulse, smirking when he felt how fast it was, he moved his head to see how Artemis had her head thrown back by him. "But so misbehaved .......... I don't like having naughty girls to play with." He saw her gulp. "How about you apologize for saying that you hate me, hmm?"

Artemis stayed silent.

"I'm sorry, I phrased that wrong and made it seem like a suggestion, let me rephrase that.........Apologize for saying that you hate me." Marvolo demanded.

"I'm sorry for what I said."
"That's not right, try again." Marvolo taunted.

"I'm sorry for what I said, master." Artemis corrected herself, sighing in relief when Marvolo nodded in approval with a self – satisfied smile and let her hair go.

Artemis glared at Marvolo for forcing her into a compliant position, again.

"Don't look at me like that, you know very well how I am." Marvolo rolled his eyes with a smile.


"Be careful at school, if you need anything go to your uncles, keep your wand with you at all times, don't take your rings off, don't..............."

"Mother, that's enough, honestly. I promise to be safe, ok?"

"Ok, just be careful, I don't want Peter getting close to you." Even though Artemis would have extra protection this year, her parents and soulmate couldn't help but be worried. "Go say goodbye to your fathers."

"Have fun at school, pup."

"Play a bunch of pranks, with and without the twins."

"Oh yeah, you should invite them for Yule." Sirius suggested with an excited grin.

"Ok papa, I'll talk to them." After seeing the looks on their faces she continued. "And I'll play a bunch of pranks without getting caught."

"That's our girl." James high – fived Sirius, while Remus and Lily rolled their eyes, not even attempting to stop their nonsense, knowing it was of no use at this point.

"James, Sirius, Marvolo wants to say goodbye to Artemis, come on." Remus and Lily dragged them away, they were starting to consider throwing a Crucio at them, they were acting too protective of Artemis when it came to her mate, and they should really stop it. It was after all, a matter of time before Artemis had her inheritance.

"I thought you already said goodbye." She smiled a bit when Marvolo put an arm around her waist, not caring how the people around them stared or talked. $You're mine, remember that$ Marvolo hissed, earing alarmed gasps.

$Yes master$ Artemis shivered when he kissed her neck teasingly. "Marvolo, people are looking."

"Let them look, let me show them that you belong to me." His hold on her tightened.

Artemis opened her mouth to say something when Draco arrived and dragged her to the inside of the train, pointedly ignoring the glare that he received. But waved at Sirius and James who gave him thumbs up, nodding their heads in approval at the fact he took her away from the Dark Lord.

"Honestly, couldn't you people be more protective."

"Yes. Yes, we could." Neville told her as he arrived.

"I hate you." Both boys laughed at their sister.

"Whatever you say, Arty."

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now