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As Artemis got ready, she couldn't help but think of Marvolo, she was falling, and she knew it. Everything he did was perfect. He always took care of her, he always spoiled her, he always went along with her crazy ideas, he wasn't afraid to tell her when she was wrong, and he wasn't controlling.

She was still too young, and they both knew it. She was only twelve at the end of the day. Even if both of them already desired each other. Artemis often found herself imagining what it would be like to have him mark her before she would stop daydreaming and scowled at herself. A part of her felt as if she shouldn't think about Marvolo lustfully, even if he were her mate, but she simply couldn't help it.

Her friends didn't help with the matter much either, considering how they restlessly tease her about him already, imagine if she told them how she actually felt. They really were shameless. She knew that they were just playing so she didn't get mad, they have never said something that really humiliated her. She also knew that when the time came, they would be there to guide her with her sexual self, just like she would be there for them.

Artemis knew that Marvolo often thought about her in inappropriate ways too, she had heard him in more than one occasion moaning her name, a part of her felt honored? that he did, and the other offended. She was only a kid for Merlin's Sake, she didn't have to deal with this.

Fifteen minutes later, Artemis walked out of the room. She had gathered her thoughts quickly and didn't let herself imagine her future sexual life, knowing that if she did, she would never leave the dorm.

 She had gathered her thoughts quickly and didn't let herself imagine her future sexual life, knowing that if she did, she would never leave the dorm

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"You look beautiful Arty." Terence Higgs complimented her as he passed by.

"Thank you." Artemis replied with a shy smile.

"I don't understand what the Dark Lord sees in you." Ariana Avery mused.

"I'm sorry?"

"You heard me. You aren't even pretty. Unlike me, you're nobody. I suppose that Marvolo doesn't have good taste if he chose you of all people. Pity." Ariana walked away.

"Terence is right you know, you look beautiful, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Especially her. Anyways, go, my lord is waiting for you outside." Jasmine Rosewood, a seventh year Slytherin hurried her out the door.

"Hello." Artemis looked down to her feet nervously.

"You look amazing." Marvolo wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you."

"Why are you so nervous, hmm?"

"I'm not." Artemis bit her lip.

"Look at me." Marvolo ordered. "Tell me why, are you nervous." His voice left no room for argument.

"Am I good enough?" Artemis had teary eyes.


"I mean, you're perfect, you could be with anyone you want, why choose me?"

"Because you're mine, you were made for me and me only." Marvolo told her.

"But if I weren't?"

"In that case, I would still chose you. You're everything I want, and I wouldn't change you for anything." Marvolo kissed her forehead.

"I wouldn't change you for anything either."

"Good, because I wouldn't let you." Marvolo smirked.

"Where are we going?" Artemis questioned when they started walking.

"Right now, we are going to the appearing point and then you'll see." Marvolo winked and smirked when the young demon blushed.

˜"*°•.˜"*°•  •°*"˜.•°*"˜

"Can I open my eyes?" Artemis asked. They had already apparated, and as soon as they landed, Marvolo had blindfolded her.

"Yes." He removed the piece cloth from her eyes.

" He removed the piece cloth from her eyes

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[Imagine that it's around nightfall.]

"Tommy, this place is beautiful."

"I'm glad you like it."

"Where are we?" Artemis asked as she looked around.

"In Bora Bora." Marvolo turned her around, so that she was facing him.

"You really outdid yourself today, Tommy." Artemis grinned at him.

"If you really like this place, you wait until our honeymoon." Marvolo whispered into her ear, leaving a small and quick kiss near her jawline.

"Tommy, you shouldn't be thinking of that, I'm still too young for that." Artemis gasped.

"You aren't always going to be twelve."


"Fine." Marvolo huffed and reluctantly dropped the subject. "Come on, I'll give you a tour."

"Ok." Marvolo guided her to the inside of the cottage, and she was surprised to see how big it actually was.

" Marvolo guided her to the inside of the cottage, and she was surprised to see how big it actually was

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"We- we're sharing a bedroom?" Artemis shifted on her feet, her face was a deep red.

"Yes. Unless you would like for me to install another bedroom while you go swimming."

"Um- no, I mean we've shared a bed before." Marvolo raised an eyebrow. "Merlin, that, sounded so wrong." Marvolo laughed this time, not being able to contain his amusement.

"You my little moon, are adorable." Artemis blushed, Marvolo didn't know what possessed him, but he couldn't stop himself, and he kissed her. It felt so right, like everything was perfect at this moment. So, when Artemis moved her lips alongside his, letting him guide her, he felt so complete, so accepted by her and he loved that feeling.

Artemis had been shocked when he kissed her, not in a bad way on the contrary, it felt astonishing. She wouldn't have it any other way. A bunch of girls fantasied about their first kiss being romantic way or cliché, but she never did, she just wanted it to be with someone that loved her and that she loved, she didn't care about the how, the where, or the when. She only cared about it being completely and utterly real.

"Marvolo, you, Merlin, you kissed me." Artemis was still surprised.

"I did."

"That was, wow." Marvolo smiled at her.

"Come on my little moon, let's go have dinner and sleep, it's getting late."

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now