ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 53

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As March arrived, Artemis was bored out of her mind, she had been confined in the manor since December. She simply wanted out, she understood that it was still dangerous because Dumbledore was on the loose, but that didn't keep her frustration at bay. It was truly unfair.

Marvolo had been extremely patient with her the last couple of months. Artemis was aware that she was annoying the man with her constant grumbling, but he didn't say anything about it. She of course felt bad when she realized that she was being selfish. Her mate was just trying to keep her safe, and all she did was try to make him feel guilty for keeping her under lockdown.

So, to make it up to him, she prepared a nice evening for them, one in where she made it her goal to be on her best behavior and obey him. Artemis knew that Marvolo was controlling and often fought to not control her entire being, so that evening she would be a good girl for him and follow his orders like law.


"Do you know what Artemis is doing?" Lucius asked as he entered the living room where the adults were.

"She said something about being a brat." Tonks replied as she petted Sirius, who was in his animagus form,

"Yeah, she also said that Marvolo was stressed by her, or something like that." Narcissa added as she braided Lily's hair.

"Huh." Was the blonde's only acknowledgement to the rest, before he sat down and read an old family book.


In a faraway – or maybe not so far – place, where Dumbledore, Granger, and the Weasleys who supported him hid, a concerning conversation for the took place at the same time as Marvolo was received by his little demon.

"What are we going to do? We can' show our faces to the world anymore." Molly paced as she looked at the Light Lord for guidance.

"I'm not sure, Molly. I was truly convinced that the potions would work. But it seems that planed failed. So, until we come up with a new one, we must stay hidden from the world." Albus looked torn between furious and scared.

Dumbledore's plans had been falling apart since the beginning, but he had been to stubborn to admit it and stop, and because of it he was now paying the price. If only he had stopped all those decades ago, he would have a calm and nice life, but his thirst for power ruined him. Albus of course wouldn't let anyone know that he was giving up. So, he would continue with his plans, and hope that one day it would be worth it.


Marvolo was exhausted and stressed.

His little moon was amazing yes, but merlin could she be annoying when she wanted to. He understood that she didn't like being confined, but he didn't appreciate the fact that she was being unfair and took her irritation out on him.

Marvolo was trying, he truly was, but he.....................

Moving on, Marvolo entered his bedroom and turned on the lights only to find Artemis siting on the bed. "If you're here to whine, please go, I'm tired as it is." He didn't waste any time with greetings.

"I'm not here for that." Artemis looked away from him. After a few moments of tense silence, the demon spoke again. "I'm sorry, Marvolo. I know that you just want to protect me, and I'm being an ungrateful brat."

Sighing, Marvolo knelt in front of the bed. "What do you need me to do, for you to understand that I can't risk losing you, mmm?" Marvolo rested his face on her legs. "Tell me, Artemis, because I'm really trying, and you're not making it easy for me here."

"Nothing." Artemis didn't let herself cry at how drained her mate sounded. "I'm sorry, Marvolo, I really am." She passed her hands between his locks. "Scream at me if that's what you need to do, but please forgive me, I don't want you to leave me." Her eyes were watery at the thought of her lover not wanting her anymore.

Hello, my lovely readers, sorry for leaving you without updates for like a week, but I was sick and didn't feel like posting anything, but now I'm back and will be posting again.

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