ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 23

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Two weeks before Yule, Artemis was walking to the DADA classroom, so that she could turn in her essay to the professor. She knew what most thought about the professor, but a part of her felt safe around him, she didn't exactly know why, but she intended to discover it, no matter how long it took. After all, she was a curious girl.

"Professor?" Artemis knocked on the door and waited until she received permission to enter, when she did, she greeted him softly and politely, like she always did.

"Ms. Potter – Black, what brings you to my office?" The man questioned without his usual stutter, which was noticed by the first year Slytherin.

"I came to turn in my essay since I accidently turned in the transfiguration one." The young girl blushed in embarrassment as she explained, and placed the parchment on his desk, not noticing how the professor was eyeing her necklace. She only noticed when his eyes turned crimson red for a moment, causing her to gasp in surprise.

"What's wrong Ms. Potter – Black?"
"Your- your eyes, how?"

"What do you mean?"

"They turned red, like his, how?" Marvolo's vampire side, noticed how her heartbeat quickened. He sighed, knowing he would have to tell the curious girl, after all she would discover it eventually, he knew it. So, with a wave of his hand, he locked the door, and silenced the room, indicating her to sit down, which she hesitantly did.

"Artemis, have your parents told you what happened that night, what really happened?" He questioned.

"Yes, yes, they have. They told me everything." Artemis's eyes glowed will she talked. Her demon side knew who she was talking to, she knew that the man in front of her was her mates. The demon knew better than to lie or disobey the man. Artemis on the other hand didn't.

"I am Voldemort."


"In this moment I am using this body as a vessel."
"Why?" Artemis questioned again, her eyes still glowing.

"I need something, so that I can have my body again."

"What do you need?"

"The philosopher stone."

"Where is it?"

"Don't worry about that, little moon."

"It's on the third floor, right?" She asked ignoring what he said.

"Yes, my little moon." Marvolo confirmed.

"My parents, do they know about your presence here, in the school?'
"Yes, yes they do."
"Why didn't they tell us?"

"I ordered them not to." Marvolo lied.

"Ok." Artemis didn't question the man further.

"You're not allowed to go and retrieve the stone." Marvolo ordered her when he noticed the expression on her face.

"But master I............" The young girl didn't even notice how she called the man, but the demon did.

"I said no, is that clear, pet?" He ignored the tightness in his pants as she addressed him as 'master.' Not noticing the way, he addressed her.

"Yes master." She replied ignoring the shiver that went down her spine because of how she was called.

                                                                              ˜"*°•.˜"*°•  •°*"˜.•°*"˜

Slowly the months passed, and it was already the end of their first year, it had been pretty much uneventful in their opinion.

As they got off the train, Artemis reassured the Weasley twins that if things got hard in their home, they could always go to Riddle Manor, that they would be welcome with open arms. Especially by her fathers, who already loved them.

The Marauders and the twins had met during Yule, they had gone to Riddle Manor, since Artemis had invited all her friends over.

In had been very fun, considering the fact that all four had transformed The Lucius Malfoy into a peacock for a few hours.

Artemis finally discovered who her professor really is. I'm very happy to have written a Tomarry scene.

One question though, would you like the book to have smut in the future, or not? I could write some teasing and that's it, please let me know.

Love, Georgina Garcia.

𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕷𝖎𝖙𝖙𝖑𝖊 𝕯𝖊𝖒𝖔𝖓 - 𝕿.𝕸.𝕽      Old version of A Queen In RedWhere stories live. Discover now