ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 35

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Soon it was June again, the students were getting of the train and hugging their families after all these months. It was weird to see the seventh years saying goodbye. Last year Artemis hadn't given then attention since she was so excited to see her family again, this year however she was calmer.

Eventually she did say goodbye to her family and went home with her parents and Remus who had come to pick her up.

"Mistress Artemis, Master Tom asked you to see him in his office once you arrived." Tillie told the group.

"Of course, Tillie, I'll see him in a moment." The elf nodded and left.

"It's so good to have you back sweetie." Lily hugged the young girl tightly.

"It's good to be home mother." Artemis also hugged Sirius, James, and Remus. "I should probably go and see what Tommy wants."

"Ok princess. Go sleep for a while, I'll send Apple to get you for dinner." James told her. Apple by the way was your personal elf, you've had her since you were a baby.


"Hi." Artemis greeted from the door frame.

"Hello, little moon. Come in." Marvolo gave her a smile reserved for her only.

"So, um.........how are you?"

"Don't be nervous, little one." Marvolo chuckled and made his way towards the young demon.

"Sorry." Artemis blushed faintly.

"Tell me have you been exploring your body?" Marvolo questioned.

"Not yet." Marvolo raised an eyebrow. "I didn't feel comfortable enough to do it in my own dorm with Daphne and Pansy there." Artemis explained.

"What about the heir dorm?"
"I didn't think of that to be honest." She admitted.

"It's ok. You could do it in your room now that you're home." Artemis nodded.

'I'll probably do it in a few days.'

"Good to know." Marvolo chuckled.

"Did I say that aloud?" Artemis flushed when he nodded.

"Don't be embarrassed, little moon. What you're doing is not wrong." Marvolo assured her. "If you want to talk about this with someone, you can, don't be afraid." He smiled when she nodded in acceptance.

"I missed you, Tommy." Artemis hugged the man.

"I missed you too."

"Can you......." Artemis took a deep breath when Marvolo raised an eyebrow, she knew that he didn't like it when she wanted to say or do something but didn't. "Can you kiss me?" Artemis asked avoiding his eyes.

Marvolo grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him, she was blushing, and she looked adorable in his opinion. Marvolo didn't say anything and only leaned down. Artemis's eyes closed as she waited for his lips that quickly came. She put her arms around his neck, she was wearing heels, so she almost reached. His hands were on her hips.

When they separated from each other, Marvolo was smirking proudly at the little demon, who had a smile on her face, and a deep blush.

"How about we rest for a while."

"Ok." Artemis let him put a hand on her lower back and guide her to his room.

Once they were laying on the bed, Marvolo started playing with Artemis's hair, chuckling when she leaned into his touch.

"How was school? Did the Weasley bother you again?"

"It was fine, and no Ronald didn't bother me again, which is odd."

"Why odd?"

"Normally when he does something, three weeks later he's already trying to gain my attention, but this time he didn't"

"Be careful next year, ok?" He waited for her acceptance. "I don't want to risk your safety." Marvolo gave her a kiss on the head.

"I'm tired." Artemis hid her face in the crook of his neck.

"Sleep, little one."

"Love you." Artemis didn't notice what she had said before falling asleep.

"I love you too Artemis." Marvolo whispered, feeling happy, he couldn't believe she actually liked him, let alone loved him, but she did.

Don't forget to check out my other books and tell me what you think.

Don't forget to check out my other books and tell me what you think

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