Chapter 16 - Leto

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Leto, titan goddess of motherhood and protection, daughter of Coeus and Phoebe.

It was lunch time, and everyone was enjoying themselves at the pavilion. Well, everyone except me. I really wasn't hungry right now. Instead, I was tired and exhausted. My affair with Artemis yesterday really took its toll on me. I have to say, yesterday's affair was without a doubt the wildest of them all so far. I never would've thought that Artemis actually had that side to her. Just goes to show you, people can be full of surprises. Mine as of yesterday was that Artemis apparently had an insanely strong desire for PAL (passion and loving) (I made the PAL thing up.). I never really would've guessed that the goddess of the hunt and who looks down on the entire male population as an a race of atrocities could have such sexual desires. At first, I just thought that it was just for the sake of this law, but I knew better. It was a little or a lot more than that. If it was just for the law, she would've just done what we did yesterday just to get it over with and never do it again. But again, with how yesterday went, I knew she took it all with great pleasure and enjoyment.

Anyways, back to what's going on of today. I was in the sword arena, relaxing. I wanted to stay in the Artemis cabin, but I couldn't because I had to head to my cabin to wash the sweet smell of sex off. Plus, if anyone found me how I was when I was with Artemis in her own cabin, shit would get real. I couldn't stay in my cabin either because people would start to get all suspicious. They would know that there's something going on. Other than the gods and the goddesses, no one knows about this sacred law that was passed by whoever passed it. And that's how I want it to stay. I don't want anyone at camp to know about this. Sure, they would know that I had nothing to do with this law since I'm just a demigod, but they would still bug me about it, and I don't really want the peer pressure. Peer pressure is never a good thing to have at times like this. I learned that in this health class I took in my freshman year at Goode High School. But out of everyone, the main person in camp that I really don't want learning about this law is my ex. Sure, letting her know would probably be a knife in her heart, which is what she deserves. But on the other hand, it may also make her think of me as a manwhore or something. To her, it most likely wouldn't matter to her if I had anything to do with this sacred law or not. She would just hate me all the more for it.

Anyways, I was relaxing on the random spot I picked to chill on with a bottle of water in my hand and an apple in the other. As I was starting to feel like my usual self, or however close I've been to my usual self before Annabeth dumped me, a flash of light came out of nowhere in the middle of the arena. Opening my eyes and looking in the direction of the light, I saw it faded and out from it came a woman. She didn't look like anyone I knew or ever saw before. But she was in a white silky dress, a dress that was pretty thin and not too covering, a silver blue aura, dark brown hair, I think hazel eyes, I couldn't tell exactly from the distance between us, 34C boobs, and tanned skin. Is it just me, or do a lot of goddesses seem to have pretty similar looks with each other?

"Y/N L/N." She stated.

"Hello." I said, not really sure what else to say.

"You have some nerve, Who do you think you are?" She angrily demanded.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about." I said.

"You took away my daughter's virginity and made her break her vow of maidenhood." She stated clenching her fists.

Made her daughter break her maiden hood? Who could she be . . . oh.

"Let me guess, Leto, the titan goddess of motherhood and protection, and the mother of Artemis." I stated getting up.

"Yeah that's right. I'm Artemis' mother. And you are the one that broke her maidenhood." Leto stated angrily.

"In my defense, she was the one who came onto me, plus I was supposed to by law. Not like she and/or I actually had a say in the matter." I explained.

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