Chapter 27 - Styx

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Styx, titan goddess of the River Styx of the underworld, hatred, and unbreakable vows/oaths, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys.

Well, in a way, I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I remember falling asleep with Iynx at her strip club last night. Yet when I woke up, I wasn't on the couch in the office of her strip club. Instead I was at a place that I could not believe I was at and almost made me shit myself. I woke up in the underworld. I sat up to find that I was also near the River Styx and I was still ass naked. If I wasn't alone, I would've tried to cover myself somehow. But there didn't appear to be anyone around, so I guess I was okay, for now at least.

"Y/N L/N." A voice said.

Never mind, I needed to cover myself. How? Well as of right now, all I've got for that are my hands. I turned to the direction of where the voice came from. And my eyes landed on a pair of hazel eyes. The voice came from a woman. She was wearing a black leather jacket, black combat boots, black leather pants, and a black leather shirt. Her hair was light brown with a few hints of black in it, her skin was white tanned, and from I could tell, I think she had 32B boobs. She looked like one of those women that are beautiful looking, but have a deadly and dangerous personality to them. I could tell by the look in her eyes. She wasn't glaring or anything, but she had a stern and serious look on her face. I could tell she wasn't someone you would want to joke around with unless you had a death wish.

"Why am I here in the underworld?" I asked.

"You're my guest." She said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm the goddess whose river you bathed in over three years ago." She said.

I look back at the River Styx and taking a quick minute to think, I realized who she was. I'm gonna do another goddess that represents something in the underworld. I just hope this doesn't end up as bad as the other time. But I have a feeling hoping for that is a fool's hope.

"Styx." I said.

"Yes, I am the goddess Styx." Styx said.

"Are you the River Styx itself, or do you just represent the River Styx?" I asked.

"In a few ways, both really." Styx said.

"Is it the same for the other four rivers down here to?" I asked.

"Indeed. The three rivers Acheron, Cocytus, and Phlegethon are represented by and are the gods Acheron, Cocytus, and Phlegethon themselves. And then the fourth river Lethe is exactly the same as me, represented and is the goddess Lethe herself, whom you'll be with tomorrow." Styx said.

"Spoiler alert." I muttered to myself.

Just then, water shot out from the river and pinned my arms and legs down to the ground. Being contrasted is bad right? Well guess what, water from the River Styx is much worse. When I bathed in the river over three years ago, it burned like I was an immortal that can never die and was thrown in a volcano or something. The water was burning my wrists and ankles. I felt like a hot metal or something was digging into my skin. It was terrible. It took so much of my will to not shout out in pain. Normally, I can decide if I want water to affect me or not, but with this being water from a goddess, a very powerful and ancient goddess at that, I had nothing to do about this. I was left to be tortured by Styx.

"Comfortable?" Styx asked.

"No." I hissed.

"I'm impressed. You're able to hold your ground against my waters better than anyone else before you, even better than Achilles, and even much better than how you did the first time. Let's see how well you can keep it like that, even though I'm not giving you another Achilles heel like last time." Styx said as she got right above me mounted and my face.

Male Reader x Greek Goddesses LemonWhere stories live. Discover now