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"What do you think?" Alex asks as he steps out of the dressing room. He's wearing a dark suit that's tailored to him perfectly.

Alex Quackity and I met almost two years ago on our friend's stream. Well, friend being TommyInnit, so it was more like we were both begged to be on a stream and felt too bad to say no. It worked out well for us, though. We've been best friends ever since that day.

I give Alex a smile as he twirls a couple times in front of the mirror. "You look like a real groom."

He rolls his eyes. "Don't sound too surprised, Jac," he says, "That's kind of the point of a wedding."

He walks back into his dressing room and reemerges with two ties. One navy blue and the other red.

"Which color do we like better?" He places them near his neck as if he was wearing them.

I chew the inside of my cheek as I think.

The red looks good with his skin tone against the black suit. Red is romantic and exciting. It makes him look sharp and ready for anything.

The navy blue looks good too. I personally think it gets lost in the dark suit when a tie is something that should pop, especially on your wedding day.

But sometimes you associate a color with a person, and for me red is Alex's color. Therefore, red would be my pick.

But it's not my wedding.

I take a deep breath as that fact tends to hinder my breathing sometimes. I meet Alex's eyes with a sad smile, realizing for the millionth time that he is just not mine.

"You should wear blue," I tell him, "It'll look good with Jess' eyes."

His smile grows just at the sound of her name. He hands the red tie to me and starts to put the blue one on.

I watch with a little smile as he attempts to tie it correctly. Alex has always been able to do this. He makes me feel happy and safe when I'm around him. It's been that way for two years.

Obviously he doesn't feel the same way as me, otherwise he wouldn't be marrying another person. It's a fact I've had to live with ever since he told me he was thinking of proposing: Alex doesn't love me back. Not in that way at least.

He turns to me, frowning.

"Need some help?" I laugh as I stand from my chair, setting the red tie on the seat behind me.

He scrunches his nose. "Maybe just a little."

I tie it a little better than he did, not by much. When I was younger, I would help my little brothers with their ties before big parties and occasions.

Alex turns in the mirror and strikes his best fashion-model pose. "Am I looking sexy or what?"

I roll my eyes. "Or what."

He frowns and straightens his posture. "I'm pretending you didn't say that."

I straighten the collar of his dress shirt. "Whatever makes you sleep better at night."

"You're mean."

I shrug before turning to grab the tie from the chair behind me. "It means I care."

"Means you're a bitch," Alex mumbles quietly.

I turn and raise a brow. "What was that?"

"Oh, nothing," he says in his best innocent voice. "Just so excited to get married!"

"Mhm sure." I grab the red tie and set it in his hands. "Totally what you said."

"I would never say anything bad about you," Alex attempts.

I laugh a little. "You better not."


hi guys welcome to my story!

yes, this is a love triangle, but i am going to try my hardest not to make it cheesy or anything. i have some good stuff planned for this so i hope you stick along for the process and enjoy :)

also jac's pronouns are they/them if you're wondering

have an amazing day!

my two friends that love me | quackity/dream love triangle fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now