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I sit at the bar with my second drink in front of me. It's champagne, which is all they're serving at the reception right now. I suddenly wish I didn't ditch my bag-whiskey after the ceremony.

I decided after the ceremony that this is just entirely too much, so I'm solving it with my favorite solution in the entire world: sulking at the bar by myself, so I don't have to see Alex dance with the love of his life song after song after song. Pathetic, right?

People walk up to the bar and then away. I don't look at them, just the big picture of Alex and Jess' engagement photo hanging on the wall in front of me. It's not something I would peg Alex for doing at his wedding, but I guess there are some things you do for love.

"Whatcha doin?" someone asks as they slide into the seat next to me.

I glance to my right to see Clay waving down the bartender.

I lift my drink up towards him. "Open bar."

He hums a response and orders a drink.

"Are you going to enjoy that champagne?" I turn towards him completely.

He's only halfway propped up on his seat, ready to leave once his drink gets here. A part of me wishes he would plop his butt down all the way and talk to me for a while, but I understand his rush to get back on the dance floor.

"Thrilled," Clay replies sarcastically.

I squint in the direction of the dance floor. I'm not sure why I sprinted since I have my contacts in, maybe it was just out of habit.

"Are you enjoying the party?" I gesture to the large crowd of people around us.

"Oh yeah, totally." He chuckles bitterly. "How 'bout you?"

I huff. "Honestly? I want to go home."

Clay's eye brows furrow. "Why? Are you alright?"

"It's just.." I shrug. "A little too hard being here right now."

He nods, probably thinking I meant with the whole totally-being-drunk thing, but I decide to continue my little rant like an idiot blabber-mouth.

"I thought I could do it, you know?" I say, "I thought I could sit there and smile and be happy, but I can't. I like really, really can't."

Clay stares at me with a blank face. His champagne arrives in front of him, but he doesn't touch it yet.

I finish my own glass in one gulp and set it on the counter. "I know, it's really dumb and totally my fault but-"

"Oh my god," Clay interrupts, then brings his voice down, "Do you have feelings for Alex?"

My cheeks burn red, giving me away.

"Oh my gosh, you do!" Clay gushes. I can tell this is not his first glass of champagne.

"Shh." I tell him. "Don't say that too loudly."

He rolls his eyes. "You're fine. Nobody's listening to us anyways."

I glance around; everyone's in their own little world. My eyes find Alex and Jess talking in a large group. Alex's arm is looped around her waist, and her head rests on his shoulder.

I didn't even realize I was leaning in the direction I was looking until I half-slid out of my chair. Clay reaches out to support me from falling all the way to the ground.

I'm too drunk right now, but I'll remember that tomorrow morning and be humiliated.

"Are you okay?" Clay asks.

my two friends that love me | quackity/dream love triangle fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now