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The sound of ringing wakes me up.

I roll over on my pillow and am startled by the smell of cologne. It takes a full moment to register that I wasn't at my own house, and that these weren't my pillows. I open my eyes slightly to see Clay's face dimly lit from his phone screen. His eyes meet mine and a small smile hints at the corners of his lips.

"What time is it?" I mumble as I reach for the ringing phone. It stops at the same time, so I don't bother.

"2:43 in the morning," Clay whispers.

I groan into the pillow. "When did I fall asleep?"

"Halfway through Step Brothers," he says, "I'm very disappointed."

"Sorry," I say, "Was it any good?"

He scoffs. "Of course it was good."

My phone rings again. I flip over to grab it and answer.

"Hello?" My voice is still crackly from sleep.

"Hey Jac!" A familiar voice says. "I was wondering where you were right now?" I can hear a giggle in the background.

I sit up a little bit and check who called. "Nick?" I say pointedly so Clay would hear.

"Yes dumbass, where are you?" Once again, he laughs.

My heart stops for a second. "Nick," I clarify more for Clay than anything, "You're asking me where I am?"

Clay places his phone to the side and sits all the way up. He turns the lamp next to him on, causing me to squint.

"Did you just wake up or something?" Nick asks.

"Yes, I just woke up," I say. Clay mouths a 'what the fuck' to me.

"So you're in bed? Not out and about?" Nick says his words slowly as if I won't understand them.

I glance at the gray sheets around me, knowing very well this is not my house. "I'm in a bed."

"Okay, well that sucks goodnight." Nick says before hanging up.

I blink a couple times as I lower the phone down to my lap. Clay stares at me for an explanation. When I don't have one, he asks, "Does he know?"

"I don't think so." He didn't ask the right questions or seem to insinuate anything. He just seemed to want to know where I was, which is suspicious on its own. "Maybe. I'm not sure."

Clay shrugs. "Makes it easier for us, yeah?"

"What do you mean?" I watch him lay back down onto his own pillow, looking up at me with his arms under his head.

"I mean, it will be easier to not sneak around or anything."

I nod once. "You're right."

I tell him I'm going to the bathroom and walk out of the room. For some reason, that didn't sit right with me.

It's not fair to Clay to start anything when I'm clearly not over Alex yet, but Clay just doesn't seem to care. He encourages me to take phone calls from him, and he even asks how I feel about it.

A conversation from the wedding blurs into my mind for half a second.

"It's okay," he says, sounding more hopeful, "Love is overrated anyways."

I whip my head towards him. "Love is never overrated, and you know it. It can't be. These feelings can't all be for nothing."

He furrows his brows. "It's a waste, Jac. It leaves you empty in the end."

"Sounds like someone has commitment issues," I say in a sing-song voice.

Clay chuckles. "Am I wrong though? It doesn't work out in the end, so what's the point?"

"But don't you think it.. isn't it kind of worth it?" I ask.

He shakes his head slowly. "Not if it destroys you."

Clay isn't worried about any of that because he doesn't want to commit. He's a guy who thinks love is overrated and worthless and a waste.

But if that's what he thinks, then what are we doing? What is a person who loves too much and a person who can't love at all supposed to do?

I make it to the bathroom and glance in the mirror. My hair is out in every direction, so I run my hands over it once and look at myself in the mirror.

In all honesty, I can work with commitment issues. I am still in love with Alex, and I can't find myself going to be healed from that in a timely manner. It's been a worry running through my head the whole time I was here; I've been wondering what I was doing with Clay when there was still an Alex. Not that there is an Alex.

I take a deep breath and just walk out of the bathroom, forgetting any use I needed it for anyways. I just went to get some peace of mind.

Clay sets his phone down when I walk in and holds his arms out. I lay in the bed and let him wrap them around me like a blanket. He rests his head in the crook of my neck.

If Clay is a guy who thinks love is overrated and worthless and a waste, then what is he doing right now as he shows affection?

"What are we?" I whisper softly into the quiet air.

He moves his head out of my neck and kisses the top of my shoulder. "We're friends."

I can't help but scoff at the way he contradicted himself. "We're not just friends, and you know that."

"But aren't we?" he asks, "You're not going to be loving anyone else any time soon."

"And you're not into commitment," I counter.

"So we're friends."

I sigh and turn to face him. The lamp's light casts shadows across his face.

"I don't want to summarize it to just friends," I admit.

He wiggles his eye brows jokingly. "With benefits, then?"

I bring my hands up and run them down my face in something like embarrassment and frustration. A very large heaping mixture, actually.

"That just sounds awful." I laugh a little bit just at how the suggestion sounds.

He starts to sit up. "Well, if you're not down for this then I-"

As he gets up the cold, night air his my shoulder, and I shiver. "No Clay, don't do that."

He lets me pull him next to me again, and he chuckles. "Then what do you want to do about us, Jac? I'll let the ball be in your court for this move."

I chew on my bottom lip before stopping. I hate that nervous habit. "What are my options?" I ask; I really hated making choices like this.

"We're just friends or friends with benefits," Clay reminds me, smirking after he finishes his sentence.

I sigh. I have a lot of fun with Clay, and I don't want it to have to stop here. And that's the reason I agree.

"Okay, friends with benefits it is."

He smiles before pulling me into a kiss, and the benefits began...


sorry i don't think i'm going to be doing smut, but you guys can use that wild imagination if you please!

also jac literally has two emotional unavailable guys in the love triangle right now.. things are off to a fantastic start lmao

anyways have an amazing day!

my two friends that love me | quackity/dream love triangle fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now