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The sun peeking in through the blinds is what wakes me up in the morning. I don't know why people always romanticize the sun's rays flowing across the floor because all it does is wake you up and cause you to squint. It is not a good thing to experience right after you wake up.

Clay's arm is a cage around my waist as well. I try to pick it up to set it to the side, but he just scoots closer and holds me tighter. I sigh frustratedly at the way his hot breath hits my neck.

I close my eyes in an attempt to go back to sleep when something stings on the top of my shoulder, followed by a series of delicate kisses. Clay chuckles right next to my ear.

"Good morning."

I try to turn towards him, but his arm cage prevents me. I settle for turning my head slightly towards him. "Morning."

He kisses my shoulder again. "How did you sleep?"

"You're hot," I say with a sigh.

"Thank you, I think." He laughs a bit.

I roll my eyes. "I meant temperature, idiot. Your body heat is excessant."

"Sure, that's totally what you meant." He intertwined our fingers and holds them out in front of my face.

"That is what I meant." I bring his hand up to my lips and repay all his kisses. "What else would you have wanted me to say?"

"Oh the usual, prince charming stuff, you know?" He flips me over to face him all by himself, causing me to roll my eyes.

"Sure, I know."

He closes the small gap between us and kisses me slowly. I remember our conversation last night, and it makes me wonder how this even works. We say we want no feelings, but here we are being lovey-dovey yuck affectionate people.

He pulls away and then gives me a quick kiss. "Breakfast."


Clay goes downstairs to start eating breakfast. I pull one of his shirts over my head and follow him shortly after.

He smiles when I enter the kitchen. "That looks good on you."

"Really?" I do a little turn to show off his clothes. "I stole it from someone."

"That's one lucky person." He sets the spatula down and pulls me into a hug.

"You think? I don't know if I'll give it back."

I can't see his face until he pulls away, but I could tell he was smiling. "They're lucky because they get to see you in it."

I roll my eyes and open his fridge. "Do you have orange juice?"

"I don't think so," Clay says before getting quiet. He tilts his ear to make one ear lean towards the door. "Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" I ask right as a door distinctively opens.

Clay's eyes go wide, but it's too late when Nick walks into the kitchen.

"Hey man, you should answer your phone," Nick says to Clay when he walks by me to the fridge. He opens it and searches for something. "Karl had to do something, so I came home. I'm just glad that key's under the mat because I forgot mine here."

Nick grabs water and closes the door. He stops talking or moving when he sees me. "Hi Jac."

"Hey," I say as casually as I can.

"What are you, uh, doing here-" His eyes scan my outfit once "-in Clay's shirt?"

"Oh, you know." Clay laughs. "Just chilling."

"Just chilling?" Nick raises his brows.

"Yupp." I join in.

"I'm just going to pretend this isn't awkward," Nick says as he takes a sip of his water.

"Appreciate it." Clay grabs an egg from the carton.

"I'm going to put my bags upstairs, and I'll be back." Nick points towards the ceiling.

"Wait, I have a question." Clay holds up a hand towards Nick.

He stops in the doorway and turns. "What's up?"

"Did you know?" Clay doesn't finish his question but motions between me and himself.

Nick shakes his head.

"But you called me last night," I point out.

Nick laughs a bit at the coincidence. "Karl and I saw someone that looked like you, but they disappeared before we could really tell."

I nod once, a wave of relief flows over me.

Nick waves a big circle around Clay and I. "Trust me, I had no idea about whatever this is."

With that, he leaves us in the kitchen. I watch the door feeling slightly called out.

"We'll, I think that went well," Clay says with a chuckle.

I let out a breathy laugh. For some reason I worry that Nick will tell others. Specifically Alex.

And more importantly, I worry Nick thinks we're making a horrible decision.

my two friends that love me | quackity/dream love triangle fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now