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The air outside seems to be a stilled heat. The sun is blocked by the clouds, and everything has a gray haze over it. It's not quite a rainy day, but I would consider it a nice in between.

Alex spins in his swivel chair once. "Editing is boring." He sighs.

I glance up from my own laptop from where I'm sitting on the floor; we've been editing for almost two hours now. The side effects of fixating on one thing for long amounts of time are coming in as I blink a couple times for Alex to really focus.

"You have to post the video tomorrow," I explain to him for the millionth time. He just doesn't seem to be in the mood for editing at all today.

He stands from the chair. "I need some energy."

I check the clock on my phone and realize it's too late for him to want coffee. He switches to energy drinks after two' it's a strange habit, but it makes sense. He's already walking out the door when I look up from the screen.

 "Alex," I call out, "I'm out of Monsters."

He pops his head back into the room; it's a funny scene as it appears to just be floating. "You're kidding." His jaw drops slightly. "Since when do you run out of monsters?"

I roll my eyes. "I run out all the time."

I prefer coffee as my energy source, but I like a good energy drink every couple of days. I guess I just keep them stocked in case I'm in the mood, and Alex takes that as an addiction.

"Can we go to the store?" Alex asks as he pats his pockets. He glances up to the various things spread out on his desk before picking up a piece of paper. He grabs his wallet and puts it in his pocket.

"Just for a monster?" I ask, setting my laptop to the side to stretch a bit.

He shrugs. "Why not?"

I sigh as I look out the window. The hazy sky seems to be getting darker.

"I swear if you mention the weather." He groans in frustration. "It's not supposed to rain on the weather app?"

"Did you check?" I raise my brow.

He pauses for a second. "It's not going to rain, Jac."


Thunder cracks outside the store. I give Alex a look from across the aisle as he scans the Monster selection.

"Don't look at me like that," he says as he picks up two white Monsters.

"You weren't even looking at me."

"Don't need to; I know you're giving me your 'I told you so' face." He mimics me.

I scoff. "My voice doesn't sound like that."

He turns away from the drinks to face me. "If you say so."

My jaw drops. "You take that back right now."

He walks to my side of the aisle and hands me one of the drinks. "Never. I meant every word."

"Don't be a dick." I laugh as we walk out of the aisle, headed towards the registers.

"I am not a dick."

"You don't have a dick?" I jokingly ask, purposely taking it the wrong way. "The internet will go wild after this one."

"Fuck you," he mumbles.

"Okay," I say nonchalantly before glancing down one of the aisles.

He turns to me slightly with a questioning look. "What?"

I don't answer his question and pull him into the candy aisle. "I was thinking M&M's too."

"Huh?" he asks, still not over my joke. It was just a joke. Although I can't deny that I feel attracted to Alex, I don't know if I could ever have true feelings for him. We're both single at the moment, so it could happen and could all change in the future. Either of us could date someone or maybe even each other. Everything is really temporary right now, and the world is truly our oyster.

"You want anything else?" I ask, grabbing one of the bigger bags of m&ms still without meeting his gaxe.

"Jac." Alex grabs my wrist that isn't holding the candy. My skin seems to burn the second he does so. We both glance at my arm before he lets go, clearing his throat. "Sorry, um, I think I want chips."

I let out a hoarse, awkward laugh. "Well, we're in the wrong aisle for that."

We grab the chips and check out at the registers. It's a small drizzle when we walk out of the store. The droplets chill the small bits of skin that they touch.

"You're the reason we're walking home," I say to Alex. "If you weren't such an overly-confident weather boy, then we'd be in my nice, warm car."

"It's not raining bad yet." Alex squints into the sky, getting a water droplet into his eye. He blinks a couple times before wiping it.

"Yet." I emphasize.

"Shut up, Jac," he mumbles once again.

The way he says my name makes my face blaze. Something must be in this rain that sends hot rushes through my skin. First the thing in the store and now the way he says my name. I'm just a mess today.

"I'm just saying." I shrug. "I was right and you were wrong."

"At least it's not pouring," Alex points out.

"Yet," I repeat.

"It won't."


Thunder cracks as Alex and I get soaked to the bone from the rain pouring around us. Even though the snacks and drinks are safely tucked away in Alex's backpack, I don't doubt they're wet, too. We're going to have to salvage what we can.

We run to the nearest cover from the storm, which just so happens to be a bus stop bench awning. Alex turns to me after we get under it. He places both hands on my shoulder and gives me a once over.

"Are you okay?" he asks, a little loud since the droplets are loud bullets against the plastic roof sheltering us.

I ignore his question. "Can you just admit that I'm right now?"

He laughs. "Sure, Jac, you were right and I was wrong. We should've taken the car."

And there it is again. The way his voice says my name seems to make the cold water on my skin burn away and I feel warm all over; starting from his hands on my shoulders down to my freezing fingertips.

He's breathing heavily from our run and from laughing. We're close enough that I can feel it just slightly. It tickles my skin, causing it to beg for more.

A big droplet drips off the awning and onto my head. I wince and stumble a step forward. One of Alex's hands drops from my shoulder to my waist, pressing me against him. My hands end up on his chest as I look up to him.

He swallows once. The touch feeds my hungry skin, but it's in no way satiated. He leans in just slightly, careful of his actions and not wanting to mess things up. I lean as well to meet him in the middle.

Our lips are barely a millimeter apart when thunder booms, shaking the ground below us.

We both jump and laugh. He brings his forehead to my shoulder and sighs. He stays there for a moment before looking back to me; the moment now over.

"Can we just forget that happened?" he asks, and my heart drops.

And that's exactly what we did. We never talked about it, nor did anything like that ever happen again.


oh dang that really sucks for them. i'm sure all hope is totally lost for them now lol.. or not?

thank you so much for 1k!

have an amazing day :]

my two friends that love me | quackity/dream love triangle fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now