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"Relax, it's going to be okay," I reassure Clay for the millionth time.

His leg is still bouncing up and down. "It's your parents, Jac. I'm nervous, okay?"

"They're going to love you." I place one hand on his shoulder. "Plus, Mom's making pie, and I really like her pie."

I decided that it was time Clay met my family, so I brought him to dinner. It should only be my parents, my brother and my sister. Everyone is already really excited to meet him. I didn't tell them about the friends with benefits thing. Or about the whole love triangle thing. I'm just kind of praying that it doesn't come up tonight. I want this to go as smoothly as possible.

Clay laughs. "What kind of pie?"

"That's the best part; any of them will be equally delicious.." I turn the car off. "But I'm kind of hoping for key lime."

I open the door to my childhood home. "We're here!" I call out.

It's quiet for a moment before Mom and Dad walk in from the kitchen.

"Jac!" Mom pulls me into a hug. "How have you been?"

"Good," I say as I pull away.

"What took you so long?" A small voice says as something attacks my leg.

I glance down to see my little brother hugging me. I hug him back. "Traffic is a thing, Eli."

He rolls his eyes dramatically. "You should've left earlier then."

"Next time, buddy." I turn to Clay and smile. "Um, guys, I want you to meet my.." I pause since I don't have a label. "Clay."

"Your Clay?" a voice behind me asks.

I turn to see my sister Amelia leaning against the doorway. "Shut up," I mutter before pulling her into a hug.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Clay." My mom clasps her hands over heart. The little gesture makes me furrow my brows. I've only ever seen her do that when talking to annoying old ladies that she's trying to seem sincere to.

I clear my throat, already thinking this might be an awkward evening. "Anyways, what kind of pie did you make, Ma?"

"Oh, key lime." She smiles. "Speaking of, I have to get the potatoes out of the oven." She turns to go back into the kitchen.

Amelia laughs when she leaves. "What in the world do potatoes have to do with key lime pie?"

"Excuse me," Dad says quietly before following my mom.

I turn to give Clay a tight smile, hoping he isn't internally freaking out. Although I can tell from the way his eyes are already following my parents as they go into a different room, he already is.

"Want a tour?" I ask.

Clay nods and follows me around the house.

"This is the living room," I say as we enter my small living room. My house isn't very big since we didn't have too much money growing up. I kind of love it, though. It has that homey feel with all the things inside.

Clay circles the room. It has more to look at than the other rooms of the house. Pictures are basically on every open space that my mom could find.

"Is that you?" Clay asks quietly, pointing to a picture of a baby with spaghetti all over their face.

I roll my eyes. "Of course you found that."

He looks at me. "You still eat just the same."

My jaw drops. "I can't believe you just said that to me."

my two friends that love me | quackity/dream love triangle fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now