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The bottom line was, that she wouldn't be able to afford rent if she told Mr. Delgado she wasn't going to be working at the shop the week of Christmas. Matthew hadn't brought it up again, which she appreciated him for. But she felt terrible having to say no, and even worse, sick at the thought of him leaving her for a week.

Calpurnia had been on edge about it the entire morning, she was sure he had picked up on her unease immediately, but he didn't mention it. Not when she was making eggs and he was cooking some Canadian bacon. Not when they sat to eat and she pushed her food around more than she ate. Finally, it seemed, he had enough and he looked at her while she read her book.

"You haven't turned a page in forever." She looked up from the book and caught his gaze.

"I," she contemplated just excusing it away but instead she dropped her glance to the floor and continued, "I can't come with you." She sat her book beside her and ran her hands down her thighs. "It's not that I don't want to, but I won't be able to make rent if I don't keep up with putting away donations for Mr. Delgado." Cal's hands were becoming tingly against her jeans. She hadn't realized Matthew had moved until his hands grabbed hers and stopped her movements.

"Calpurnia," he rubbed his thumbs against the back of her hands, encouraging her to meet his eyes again. "Take a breath, okay?" She took a long inhale through her nose and slowly let it out again. "Let me help with rent this month."

"I can't accept that..." she looked up at him when he squeezed her hands and tugged her towards him. Her eyes flicked to his lips before reluctantly meeting his eyes again.

"You can," he whispered, pressing a kiss to the corner of her mouth, "please let me help." Another kiss, to the other corner, and finally on her lips.

"Are you sure?" Cal spoke softly against his cheek, letting her mouth tickle the skin lightly. Matthew's hands moved from hers to lock around her waist, and pull her further into him.

"Of course I'm sure." She could feel her resolve dissipating before she conceded, relaxing into his hold and laying her head on his shoulder. Calpurnia pressed her lips into his neck. She let out a giggle when Matthew yanked her off the couch entirely, so they toppled to the floor in a pile of limbs. Her palm found the floor beside them and she slid herself off him and laid down. Back against the floor staring up at the ceiling. Cal didn't allow herself to dwell on the details.


They packed up that evening for a flight early the next morning. Calpurnia ruffled through her closet until she found a duffel bag shoved way in the back corner behind her tub of summer clothes. A bundle of nerves settled low in her stomach. Maybe it was because it'd be her first time flying, maybe because she didn't know if she would see his parents again, she really couldn't be sure. Nonetheless, she tossed and turned until the sound of his alarm woke him up. After a quick change of clothes and morning refresh, they got a cab and headed to the airport.

Matthew walked her through all the steps, as they went through. By the time they made it to their gate Cal was exhausted, the ball of nerves wound so tight in her abdomen she couldn't even drink her coffee. When they boarded Cal took the window and Matthew loaded their luggage and then took the seat beside her.

"You okay?" He asked, lifting the armrest between them. Cal shifted her body into his side and laced their fingers together tightly.

"I've never been on a plane," she whispered. The flight attendants came to the aisle and walked everyone through the safety procedures. Then only moments later the plane started moving. Calpurnia's grip on Matthew's hand tightened until her knuckles were white and her breathing shallowed.

"Okay," Matthew whispered, "it's okay". He turned so he could block the view of the aisle. "Look at me, Cal." She shook her head against his shoulder. "look at me baby, come on." Again she shook her head.

"I can't," she rasped. She grasped a handful of his shirt and pushed her head from his shoulder into his chest.

"Callie," Matthew lifted his free hand and tangled his fingers into her hair, "you can do it, look at me" she stayed frozen in place, with her face pressed hard against his chest for a long moment before finally pulling away just far enough she could meet his eyes.

"There they are," he pressed a kiss to her cheek. Cal nodded her head lightly and continued to look into his eyes. "Good girl." Matthew looked down and then kissed her mouth softly. His hands found her face and held her face close to his. Matthew kissed her forehead before resting his cheek against her head. She reached up to grab his wrist and pull his hand down from her face into her lap. "Let's watch a movie," Matthew gestured towards the screen in the back of the seat in front of Calpurnia and she nodded.

"You pick," she whispered, still holding onto his wrist in her lap, she felt him twist and squeeze her thigh gently. Matthew put on a movie she didn't recognize and helped her get the headphones set up. Cal kept a hand on Matthew the whole movie.


It was nearing evening when they made it to Matthew's place. They hadn't had much to eat, and they were exhausted so they settled for some pizza delivery while they unpacked from the trip. Matthew's apartment was much different than hers. While her bedroom was only separated from the living room by a wall with a large opening, his bedroom was more traditional with a door and closet. His bathroom was about the same size, but he had a glassdoor shower instead of a tub shower. All in all, it was a nice space.

Calpurnia collapsed next to him on the couch after she finished unpacking her clothes into the drawers he emptied for her. She was so tired, that Matthew pulled her arm and she scooted over so her back was leaning against his chest. A yawn escaped her mouth as she settled her head back.

"Sleepy?" he asked, she nodded.

"Very," she whispered, letting her eyes droop closed. Matthew's hand rested across her middle, holding her in place against his chest. "What is on the schedule tomorrow?" She repositioned herself so she could tuck her forehead under his chin.

"Why don't we go to bed and we can talk about it more in the morning?" Matthew offered with a light nudge of his shoulder, bobbing her head slightly. Calpurnia nodded but didn't move to get up. After a few moments, he mused her hair and lifted her off him so he could stand and offer a hand up. She stared at his outstretched hand trying to get her brain and body to work together, finally, she took hold of his hand and let him help her up. They settled into bed together, Cal tucked into his chest, and she fell asleep.

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