A Party for Haz, Back Home and a Whole Mess of Trouble

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We've been touring for a week. A FREAKING WEEK, and I still want to go home. I can't stand being away from home. I slipped a plain grey shirt over my body and started styling my hair the best that I could.

"About ready in there? We're all waiting on you." I heard Zayn from the other side of my door. I find it weird how he finished before me.

"Just about." I mumbled as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Harry is getting anxious." He said before he left. I sighed and put on my shoes. Today we were taking Haz out for his birthday. We couldn't do anything on his real birthday because we had a preformance that night. He was pretty upset, but now that we're going out, he's gotten over it. I opened my door and walked to the front of the hotel room, wherre the boys were waiting by the door.

"Ah! Finally!' Haz exclaimed. "Now we can go."

"Not quite yet." Liam said slowly. "Rules and guidlines..."

"Forget about the rules mate, he's getting antsy." Niall chimed in. I looked at Harry. He was walking quickly around the room, hands behind his back giving everyone weird looks.

Liam finally gave in.

"WOO! ARE YOU READY TO GET WASTED?!" he shouted, running out the door.

"No, not really!" Liam shouted after him. We all followed him out of the hotel and piled into the limo. "Please Harold,don't make a fool of yourself.

"I won't, relax."

While the other boys talked amongst themselves, I pulled out my phone and started a new message.

To: Karina <3

Hai(: i miss u

A few seconds later I had gotten a reply.

From: Karina <3

i miss u 2 :) wassup?

To: Karina <3

on our way 2 haz's party. He's super excited :p wat is my lovely girl up to?

From: Karina<3

tell him Ary and I say HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUPCAKE! And we're about to go to sleep, we have an early flight back home tomorrow

"Harry,Karina and Ary say 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY CUPCAKE!!!'"

He smiled widely. "Thanks." he replied.

To: Karina <3

he said thanks. Oh yeah :p goodnight and love youuuu

From: Karina <3

looooooovvveee youuuu 2. bai.

With that I put my phone back in my pocket and started a conversation with the others. A few minutes later the limo stopped and Haz practically jumed out of the cab and straight into the club.

Liam chased behind him. "Harold slow down!"

Zayn, Niall and I chuckled and walked in behind them.

The music was blasting pretty loud, and there were alot of people there already. Famous people, and random people. I headed straight towards the bar. I was in a mood today. Come to think of it, I was in a mood all week. Maybe man periods are real, just without the bleeding. I told the man my drink order and pulled out my phone once again to check my twitter feed. It was endless I tell you. ENDLESS.

A few minutes later I was on drink number four, or was it six? I couldn't remember and I honestly didn't care. Clubs usually irritated me, so I'd take anything to get me through the night. After a few more drinks I made my way over to the other guys and tried to enjoy myself. I don't even remember what happened from there.


"HOME AT LAST!" I yelled once I ran inside the house. I collapsed on the couch. Jet lag is a horrible thing.

"Yo fatso, come get your bags." Ary came in with several suitcases attached to her. She let go of all them and they fell to the floor. I slowly walked over and grabbed my bags, trudging up the stairs. Once I reached my room I started unpacking. I had to do it sooner or later, and if not sooner, later was out of the question. My father had work to do and Ary left to go back to her dorm. I was left just the way Iiked it. Alone. Completely alone. But if Louis were here, I would take him over alone time anyday. I opened my laptop and logged onto twitter. Pictures of Harry's party were all over my feed. I scrolled down, making weird faces as I came across each picture. God Harry was drunk off his ass and the shirt he was wearing looked like it could be his mothers. I laughed silently. Five bucks it was. Next there was a whole bunch of pictures of Niall stuffing his face. Classic. I felt the need to save those pictures and send them to Ary. You know, just because. I came across a picture Liam sitting in the corner. Party pooper. I giggled to myself. No pictures of Zayn...hmmm interesting. I scrolled down even farther and the smile from my face faded. I felt a mixture of curling myself into a fetal position and dying right there or murdering someone.


I woke up to a pounding headache. Oh God how many drinks did I have? I slowly got up from the floor. What was I doing on the floor?. I shook my head, stood up and walked to our hotel rooms kitchen. I saw some half-dressed girl snooping around the kitchen. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED LAST NIGHT?!

"Uh...hi?" I tried to keep my voice stable.

She jumped bit. "Oh hi, you scared me. Do you guys have any advil? Harry sent me in here looking for it." I let out a sigh of relief. She was with Harry, thank God.

I nodded and walked towards the cabinet which we had stocked with pain killers for las night. I grabbed the Advil and gave her a couple, and got some for myself.

"Thanks."she giggled, running back to Harry's room.

I slowly walked into the bathroom, splashed some water on my face, and took my Advil. I walked into my room and froze. There was a girl in my bed. Why was there a girl in my bed?! I silently started freaking out. Maybe it was the girl that Harry brought. Yeah that's it, she probably slipped into my room by accident. I rubbed my eyes and got a better glimpse. No. Different girl, different hair, different everything. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.

"Oh you're awake." she smiled. How did I not notice her when I first woke up?

"Who are you and what are you doing in my bed?!" I whisper yelled. I was pacing angrily back and forth in the room.

"I'm Anna remember?" I shook my head frantically. "We've been in here all night."

We couldn't have possibly done anything could we? I mean, I'm still fully clothed.

"What exactly did we do last night?" I ran my hands through my hair. I didn't know what else to do! "We couldn't have gone too far, my clothes are on."

"Yeah, but mine aren't. We did A LOT of things." she giggled. I made a weird sound which was either a plea for help or a I'm fucked sigh. "But you put your clothes back on because you kept saying you felt 'guilty'?"

I rubbed my temples, trying to hold back my anger. "Look, you need to leave right now and never speak of this again. EVER. Do you understand?" I spoke slowly and clearly. She nodded and I stepped outside so she could get dressed. A few minutes later she was gone. I stood in my room furiously 'pulling' my hair out. How on earth could I be so stupid?! I have a girlfriend whom I love with all my heart and I'm also going to be a father. I kicked the little desk that they have in all hotel rooms repeatedly, each kick getting harder and harder. I hate myself so much for this. I don't even know how I can live with myself. And Karina, oh God Karina, when - or if - she finds out, she's going to hate me. I can't stand having her hate me. She loves me so much and I just took that love and smashed into a thousand itty bitty pieces. I've made my decision. I'm going home. I'm going to tell her the truth and if she hates me, I don't know what I'll do. I'll set things right. The tour is the last thing on my mind. I packed my bags and a good twenty minutes later, I walked out of the hotel room slamming the door behind me.

hai. <3 = </3 So ii finally updated, and you all probably hate me right now. I hate me too. But this was here for a reason, otherwise the story would be boring and have no purpose. Sorry for the shortness So comment what you think, vote, and get in the long line to kill me

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