I'm Just Sitting Here

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I rushed out of the bedroom as fast as I could, not taking a second look. I grabbed my coat of the couch and rushed towards the front door.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked, confused. I didn't even bother to answer. I quickly opened the door, walked out, then slammed it.


"Louis!" Karina yelled, running after the boy - tear stained face.

"Leave him for a while, Love." I said softly as I held her back from breaking the front door down.

"I can't Harry. I made a mistake." she sobbed. "I have to fix it."

I pulled her into my chest. "Let him blow off some steam." I whispered into her chest.

"What happened?!" Liam and Niall asked in unison, rushing over to the front room. I mouthed 'Nothing!' and shooed them off.

"I can't...wait...Harry." she said in between cries.

"Yes you can." I cooed, taking her back into her room, where Zayn sat on the bed - wide eyed. "Just lay down." I shooed Zayn of the bed and made her lay. "You can fix this later." I motioned for Zayn to come with me. Once out in the hall, I started yelling. "What happened?!" I stood there and listened to his very long and detailed explanatiion. "What the hell is ring with you?! Do you have to ruin their relationship?!" I threw my hands over my head.

"Speak for yourself!" he shouted back.

"What are you talking about?" I asked quickly, looking up tat him.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." he said sternly. "Ruining people's relationships right after they fixed it." My jaw dropped open in fear. He can't know. How could he possibly know?!

"I don't know what you are talking about." I said a little too quickly, looking around.

"Oh come on Harry! The kiss with Ary. Don't act like you don't know." he replied coldly.

"Fine I kissed her!" I yelled.

"What?" Niall asked quietly, pain and anger acrossed his face. I didn't even noticed him and Liam standing there.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked, mortified.

"Long enough to hear about ruining people's relationships." Liam answered for him.

"I can't believe you Harry." Niall shot out. Disgusted. "I thought we were friends Harry." he looked like he was about to cry. Poor lad. What have I done.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you Niall, honestly. And if you're going to blame somebody, blame me not Ary. She tried to fight me off."

"But you did it anyway!" he shouted, face getting redder. I was backing up cautiously.

"Niall, calm down." Liam said softly, trying to soothe the boy. It obviously wasn't working.

"No Liam! I will not calm down!" he began walking towards me, and stopped right in front of my face. "And I trusted you." before I even knew what happened, my nose was bleeding."

"Niall!" Liam yelled, pulling him away from me. "Why did you punch Harry?!" stupid question Liam. Before I knew what I was doing, I lunged towards Niall.

"BOYS STOP! Liam yelled, trying to pry us apart. "Zayn, you grab Harry!" I felt Zayn's hands on my shoulders, trying to pull me away.


I don't know where I am going. I'm not lost, I just don't know where I want to go. I walked around the streets of London, rain pouring, for about ten minutes now. I didn't even want to thin about what happened. Why is love so complicated? Why does life have to be so complicated? I ran my hands through my wet hair,can't walked down the streets with my head down. The sun was going down now and the rain was getting worse. I decided to walk into the cafe across the street. After ordering a hot chocolate, I took a seat in the back of the cafe, by a window. I looked out the window and saw couples walking and laughing in the rain. Was it real? Or a figment of my imagination? Must be, because everyone I saw looked like Karina and I. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and sighed.

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