"What Game Are You Playing?"

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''ɪ ɢoт pʀobʟems, ɪ goт ɪssues, someтɪmes ɪт's jusт тo mucʜ ғoʀ me''

-cʜeʀ ʟʟoyd


I don't know why, but for some reason I was kissing him back? It felt right and wrong at the same time. I love this boy, but at the same time he broke my heart. Ugh heart! Why must you be so stubborn?! Why can't you just let me have what I want? But that's the thing, I don't know what I want. I know that I want passion and desire; Louis can give me those things, but at the same time, he can make me never want to feel those emotions again. Too much thinking...just enjoy the kiss...but I don't know if I can. I cleared all thoughts from my head and suddenly, but slowly, wrapped my arms around his neck. I'm guessing he took that as an invitation, because he moved closer. The kiss was slow and sweet, not passionate. Somehow he must know we weren't quite ready for that yet. His arms wrapped around my back, pulling me into his warm embrace. I suddenly felt relaxed and at ease.

"I've missed you so much." he murmured against my lips. He missed me...that's too good to e true. Before I could answer with anything, Niall burst through my door. I immediately pulled back from a confused Louis.

"Oh erm..sorry. Didn't know I was interrupting something." He shuffled awkwardly in the doorway.

"You weren't." I said almost too quickly, getting another confused and hurt expression from Louis. "So is there anything you needed?" I got up from my bed, and moved closer to where he was standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, Ary said she wanted you to help her into the shower." He ran a hand through his hair. "I offered to do it for her, but to her that was a giant step into a direction she didn't want to go in." He chuckled. "We haven't made it THAT far into the relationship."

I laughed quietly. "Too much info penguin." I gave him a pat on the shoulder and carefully moved past him and out the door. I walked down the hallway until I got to the room Ary was currently occupying. "So I heard you need help?"

"Yep!" She chirped loudly. I walked over to her bed and wrapped my arms around her, carefully lifting her up. I grabebd both her crutches with one hand and placed them under the shoulder I wasn't holding. Once she gained balance on that side, I removed myself from her shoulder and placed he other crutch there in my place.

"You seem very happy at the moment."

"I''m just happy my baby took the time from his busy schedule to come visit me. I mean, it's just a broken leg. No big deal." She beamed. She made her way into the bathroom. I reached into a cabinet and pulled out the cast cover the doctor gave her to use in the shower. I put it over her cast.

"Well he does love you." I encouraged her, but it felt like I was encouraging the fact to myself. I let out a litttle sigh.

"So you seem rather troubled this fine evening. What's up?" She leaned her back up against the wall. I guess we where going to be here for a while.

"We kissed..."

"WHAT?" She sort of lunged forward and tried steadying herself. "Do you feel as if it was rushed? Did you like - love - it? Did you kiss him back?" She bombarded me with questions I didn't really want to answer.

"I don't know how I feel Ary.'' I felt a tear coming on. Oh great. I'm such a baby. I can't even hold myself together after a kiss. I quickly brushed my hand over my eye and wiped the fallen tear. "I still love him, I do. But I don't want to give him the satisfaction and I know it's selfish but I can't bring myself to tell him that we can never really be together again." I bit my bottom lip and she looked at me, despair filling in her eyes. "Nothing's going to be the same. How could I have been so stupid to think that dating him was going to be easy? He's Louis FREAKING Tomlinson for Christ's sake! It couldn't possibly be easy. He has girls so much more prettier than me throwing themselves at him. I was a fool to believe that he wouldn't jump at the chance to get with one of them." I let the tears fall freely this time. Ary opened up her arms, gesturing me to come over. I walked over to here and she tightly wrapped her arms around me. I silently cried onto her shoulder.

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