In Town Concert

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"Hello dear." my dad smiled as I walked in through the door. I had to play the card correct, I had to act like I had actually broken up with Louis. I gave him one look, and ran up the stairs. "Karina?!" he called. I slammed the door to my bedroom and heard him running up the stairs. "Karina?! Why are you ignoring me?!" Has he Really just noticed that I've been ignoring him? Some Father.

I quickly went to the sink and dabbed some water under my eyes and on my cheeks to make it look like I was crying. My weren't red, but I don't think he'll question it.

"Karina." he banged on the door. "Open this door young lady or else!"

I placed myself on my bed to make it look like I was crying, facedown and muffled. When he realized that I didn't lock the door, he slowly opened it and sat next to me on my bed.

"What's wrong?" he asked. I looked up at him with my 'tear stained' face.

"I broke up with Louis." Iied.

"It's for the best." he rubbed my back.

"No it's not! It's what you think is best for me! You don't even know me! This whole summer when I was here, you didn't even try together to know me! You always had business and trips and bribed me with cars! You don't know what's best for me! I lost my parents, my brother, and Lou. He was the only ray of hope that I had." Real tears were forming now. I didn't even know why, it's not like I actually broke up with him. Maybe it's just the thought of it.

"That boy took away your innocence!" he snarled, not at all trying to make me feel better.

"No he didn't! I wanted it!"

"What?" he asked in disbelief.

"He didn't want to do it! I did it! I told him I was fine with it! It's not your decision to make. I'm eighteen, I can make my own decisions." I cried into the pillow.

"Tell me something! What happens if you have a child?! Do you think Lou will be there for you?! He's in a big name boy band! He's not going to drop everything because of you and a baby.! Think about it!" he yelled before storming out of my room. What if that did happen?! It can't.... I'm not pregnant I'm sure of that. I've already had my period for this month. But I still have this lingering feeling that if I was, would Lou be there for me? My phone buzzer and snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey." Lou's voice said cheerfully over the phone.

"Hi." I managed to get out.

"Are you okay? You seem kind of distant." he replied.

"No, I'm fine." I lied.

"Did he buy it?"

I lay back on my bed and pulled the covers over myself. "Yeah." I sighed.

"Well, we have a local concert tonight, I want you to come. Unless you're not up for it, you seem like you're not."

"It's ok Lou, I'm fine. What time is it? I'm guessing I'll have to go with my dad."

"Around eight. When you get there, meet me backstage."

"Won't my dad be backstage?"

"No." he said irritated. "He'll only be there for one song and then he's on his way to a business meeting like usual."

Seriously?! Business meeting?! Does he ever have time to spend with is family?! Not that I want to talk to him, but a real dad would try and talk to their child no matter how much the kid doesn't want to. "I'll try."

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