Happy Birthday Baby?

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I slowly got up from the couch I had fell asleep on the previous day. My stomach hurt like hell. Maybe it was the contractions. Maybe today was the day? Well, I'll just have to wait until my water breaks to find out for real. It took me a while,but I had finally made it up to the second floor. I quietly walked past my bedroom and all the way down to the hall. The 'secret' room. I opened the door and so many memories flooded back. The time when Lou and I were deciding on baby names, the time we sat in here watching The Vow, and the other times we would just lay here and forget the world. Lou and the boys used to hang here long before I showed up, but I've only ever hung out up here with him. I opened the door and immediately felt a draft. The balcony door was open. What idiot would leave it open? I know exactly what idiot. I closed the door and walked over to the balcony door to close that as well. I grabbed a blanket off the couch. It stills smells just like his cologne. I remember when we used to just sit and cuddle in this blanket. I wrapped the blanket around me and took a seat on the hanging swing. I rocked back and forth, just taking in Louis'colonge. I missed it. I missed him. I screwed up yyesterday. He probably doesn't want to see me again. But he will, if he's going to keep his promise to our daughter. I really do hope he's going to keep his promise.


I sat up in my hed, hearing the guys voices outside my bedroom door. I checked the clock on my nightstand.It read seven fifteen.Ugh why are they up so early disturbing my sleep?

"What if he doesn't like it?" I heard Liam's voice.

"I'm sure he will." Harry suggested.

"I don't know, I don't wanna give him a heart attack." Zayn muttered.

"He'll probably give us one. How much you wanna bet he snaps at us?" Niall said.

"Ready. One. Two. Three." And with that the boys burst through my bedroom door screaming, "HAPPY TWENTY-FIRST BIRTHDAY LOU!!" I have to admit I was startled. I had completely forgotten about my birthday.

"Oh erm...thanks guys."

"I told you he wouldn't like it." Liam crossed his arms.

"Like what?" I asked, arching my brow.

"Us surprising you in the morning." Zayn smiled.

"With cake!" Niall jumped out from behind Zayn with a cake. From the looks of it, it was a chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream cake. I could feel my mouth watering.

I mustered up a smile. "Thanks guys." I suppose it's the most real smile I had since everything went down.

"Now hurry up and get out of bed so we can eat this cake!" Harry yelled, running out of my bedroom.

"I don't know, cake for breakfast...?" Liam said unsurely, lurking in the doorway.

"Oh give it a rest Li." I chuckled, getting out of bed, following the others out of my room.

Much cake wasn't eaten, majority was thrown around in an epic battle. I went to my bedroom to clean myself off. I came out of the shower all squeaky clean like and put on some cologne. I walked over to my bed side table and picked up my phone. I had a billion twitter mentions about my birthday and thousands more texts. I got one from Mark, my mum and the girls, some other relatives, Stan and other friends back in Doncaster. I didn't get one from who I wanted most, which hurt. I know she said she didn't love me and all, but it still hurts not to wish me well. I sighed and put my phone back on the bed side table, and made my way downstairs again.


I left the 'secret' room and made my way downstairs. It was now four-thirty, which meant Ary was back from Uni and raiding my kitchen.

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