Never Let me Go

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"You know, I'm really wondering how the hell you sleep." Zayn laughed, once I opened my eyes.

"What's wrong with how I sleep?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Well first off all, you're basically laying on top of me. Second I've witnessed it many times."

"Wow. Great explanation." I shrugged.

"Well you wanted to know. Do you feel better?" he asked.

"Yeah." I sat up. "Great, but I have a feeling that if I eat, it's going to get better." I slowly got off the bed and walked around the hotel room to make sure I felt alright.

"We can go out to eat. I know this little place. Used to go there all the time."

"Yeah, that'd be great." I smiled. I quickly went to the bathroom to clean myself up and change my clothes.


HOLY CRAP! Can these boys be any louder?! I can't sleep with all this yelling'! "Lads!" I yelled running down the hall. No answer. I walked into the living room and saw Niall eating a messy sandwhich on the couch - he didn't even notice half the stuff in it was falling out. Then there was Harry and Lou playing catch in the hallway. Oh God, this isn't goiong to end well. "Niall! Go eat in the kitchen!" I scolded the boy, who immediately got up and ran into the kitchen. I followed him into the kitchen, grabbed a napkin, and walked back into the living room to clean his mess.

"Go long!" I heard Lou yell. Isn't that a football term?! All of the sudde. I heard a big shatter and someone mumble the word 'Shit.'. I jumped in horror of what they could have possibly broke. Boy Karina was going to be mad once she got home - or worse- Uncle Simon. "HARRY! LOUIS!!" I yelled. I began chasing after the boys, until I was stopped by the home phone ringing. "Hello?" I answered breathlessly.

"Liam?" the voice was of Uncle Simon! Crap! I hung up. The phone rang once again and I stupidly picked it up.

"Hello." I tried to disguise my voice, horribly failing."

"Who is this?" uncle Simon asked through the phone.

"Errmm this is...." I was trying to think of the name Zayn had used. "Jake!" Thats it! Wait, no!

"From Statefarm?" he asked, obviously trying to be funny.

"Err yeah from Statefarm...whatever that is. I work with Blake." I heard the other boys snickering in the background?

"You know what? I'm not even going to ask. Is Karina there?" he asked. What do I tell him?

"Oh um no. She went to get a pedicure, whatever that is." I'm so lame.

"Tell her to call me back." he said before hanging up.

"How do you not know what StateFarm is?" Harry asked, laughing.

"I don't know ok?!" I looked down the hall. "What did you guys break?!" I ran down the hall. "Oh Lord." Simonwasnt going to take this well. "Youbroke the priceless vase that he bought from that expensive museum?!" I practically shouted. "He's going to kill you! Or worse all of us!"

"Relax, we'll put it back together." Lou assured me, looking down at the mess.

"How?!" I asked, running a hand through my hair.

"Superglue, duh."

"Oh you boys are hopeless." I sighed and walked off.


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